157th Table Top Tuesday

Welcome to the 157th Table Top Tuesday.

I love visiting as many in blogland as I can, and I am always inspired and learn so much from all of you.  Sometimes it is really major things, sometimes it is just little things, but I always learn something.  Can’t wait to see what you teach me this week.  Here’s a few features of a few things I learned and loved from last weeks TTT.

Nina at Nina’s Nest did a post about using trays, she had so many pretty displays, and showed how some of our vignettes look better and have more importance if we use a tray.  She has several examples, and I love them all.

Tina at Cluttered Corkboard  gave us a fabulous tutorial on how to make a leaning ladder, and I love the way she decorates hers.  She is a brand new blogger, so be sure to go by and give her a huge Blogger Hello.

Janet at Rosemary and Thyme  shared her gorgeous office.  I just did a post showing mine (lol), now this is really an office.

Mary Alice @ Chateau Chic  shared some of her Spring Fever vignettes.  Love the basket with the breadboards.

Mimi @ Blue Roof Cabin showed how to make this fabulous cabinet.  This definitely takes a builder grade kitchen and makes it something extraordinary.

Ok, now I know you guys have tons to inspire me with again this week, so let’s get this party rolling.
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