Show Off and Inspire – Gwen Moss

I love having this series where I can show off and brag about some really wonderful bloggers.  Today we have the pleasure of Leslie’s company.  Her blog is Gwen Moss.  I first fell in love with her wonderful tablescapes, so creative, then as I explored her blog, there was so much more.  You will love her and her style too.

Thank you Marty for inviting me to be part of your Show Off and Inspire series, I’m always so impressed by the talented bloggers I see here, and I’m so happy to open my home to all your wonderful readers.

My name is Leslie and I’m the blogger behind the woman’s lifestyle blog called Gwen Moss.

Welcome to my home, as you can see, we’re very casual here.

I have canvas slipcovers on my living room couch and dining chairs and there’s no formal room in our house.

Life is bit hectic right now because we’re getting the house and backyard ready for my youngest son’s graduation party which means I’ve been doing lots of cleaning and planting and well, you know what I’m talking about.

Today I thought I’d show you how I decorate with fresh flowers, ferns and succulents which are my favorite decorating friends right now. If you’re a regular visitor to my blog, you know how I love to create pretty floral arrangements and tablescapes and share the DIY details with my readers.

I actually got a nice little surprise a few weeks ago when Huffington Post contacted me about using my Mother’s Day tablescape post. They only ended up using a photo, but they did put my link on their site which was nice.

Don’t you love these roses?

 I found them at the local grocery store for $4.00 a bunch. When you’re up close, they have that delicate, paper texture that looks very old world.

This is what my mantel looks like right now.

When we moved into our home twelve years ago it was definitely a fixer upper. The previous owners had fallen into debt and the house had suffered from neglect. This mantel was one of our first home projects.

I had been saving a crumpled, old photo of a mantel from Country Living Magazine and we basically hired someone to build it. It’s one of the few paid projects around here. Everything else has been a DIYer project, including all the brick work which I’ve done with my Dad.

I decided to keep it simple on the mantel.

 Baby ferns are wrapped in music sheets and sit on top candlesticks. A painted key dangles from each candlestick.

 Next to the fireplace is a burlap covered lamp table. To add a pop of green, I purchased a fabric remnant for the top. I just tucked under the edges, didn’t even pin them.

I add succulents to tea cups and silver pieces because I love this look.

 This is an antique tea cup given to me by my Grandma.

This is my dining room.

I painted some old shutters and placed boxwood wreaths on them. A French sideboard I re-vamped some years ago is one of my quirky pieces. Someone asked me recently what my taste is and I guess the easy answer is eclectic. Farmhouse chic, Traditional. Rustic country. A little French, a little vintage, even a touch of bohemian. Let’s see, did I get enough words in there?

How would you describe my decorating style?

I’m curious.

Here’s a shot of the vignette on the sideboard. On the other side is a simple African violet planted in a silverplated urn.

On the dining table is a small urn alongside books and old clay pots I found in a thrift store. These pots have been so versatile. For a garden themed dinner party, I once planted thyme inside them and then used a seed packet to write, “happy to spend thyme with you” for added cuteness.

Here’s a few photos from my kitchen. I recently painted the table and chairs as part of my ‘lightening up” decorating phase. You can see this project on my blog. As I’ve gotten older, I notice that I feel happier when I’m surrounded by lots of white.

I just planted that fern and put it on the table. From this angle you can see my chalkboard art that’s still there. Hooray! I thought for sure it would have food splatters on it by now.

There are large urns in the window also filled with ferns.

The red roses are left from Mother’s Day. Patrick drove five and a half hours with his college buddy to surprise me. I had no idea until he walked up to our table in the restaurant with the roses and

I was so touched… I started crying.  What a day that was.

Ok, back to my little tour. The kitchen is part of this great room. This is the family room where everyone hangs out.

I have a collection of blue and white pieces and I brought out this little pot for my fern. More baskets and books…and yes, that’s a TV remote in there too.

There’s no hiding our TV. We have family nights in here and it always includes our favorite shows and movies. I watch lots of testosterone filled action stuff because I’ve got boys. Right now we’re waiting for the new season of Homeland. 

By the way, those are Snapdragons on the mantel alongside tall candlesticks, but I might trade those candlesticks for something with more color. What’s your opinion?

In case you’re new around here, my Dad and I painted that entire wall of bricks with chalk paint.

(more white-colored happiness)

I just de-cluttered these shelves.

A vintage green-hued oil painting is now paired with books that have green and blue covers.

A concrete pot sits in the entryway between black French doors and my Chinese red painted chest. (Yep, more paint projects) Although I’m still not sure how long I’ll keep it red, it’s a bit bold for me.

I also painted the wood floors in my office white and I’m so happy with it. Can you peek through the door and see the floor?

Well, I hope you enjoyed seeing some of my vignettes and greenery. I’ll be sure to show you the backyard when it’s ready, so stop by and say “Hi” if you get a moment.

And thank you for having me as your guest on your beautiful blog Marty, it was so fun!



Isn’t she amazing.  You really need to follow her blog-Gwen Moss– to see more and to keep up with all of her current projects.

If you would like to be featured on Show Off and Inspire, just send me an email. 

  I am linking to the following parties:

Wendy at The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday

Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home

Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday

Alison at Stuff and Nonsense for Friday’s Unfolded

Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

Diann at The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday

Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday

Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday

Kate at Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Friday

Jane at Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Friday

Jennifer at Jennifer Rizzo for Fabulously Creative Linky Party

Jen at Tatertots and Jello for Weekend Wrap Up Party Friday

Karen at Redoux Interiors Friday Party

Aimee at It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat.

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