Thrifty and Chic, that definitely tells the story of Alicia’s blog. Her home is stunning and done with such a chic flare on a thrifty budget. I am so thrilled that I get to Show Off and Brag about her a little today.
Thank you Marty for letting me be apart of your Show Off and Inspire Series! I’m Alicia, voice and DIYer behind the blog Thrifty and Chic. You can say that I’m obsessed with decorating and redecorating my house….even more obsessed with curtains, pillows, and building furniture 🙂 But I think those all go hand in hand. On my blog you can find tutorials on building furniture, home improvement ideas, and a ton of thrifty decorating. My goal is to not ever spend over $100 on any home improvement project, most are barely a fraction of that, if not free…I guess I go through the missteps so you don’t have to 🙂
I’m so glad I get the opportunity to show off my house and a few projects with you all today! Most of everything you see in my home is handmade or refurbished, besides the couches and larger items. Let’s get started, shall we!
Welcome to my home! I’m in the middle of redecorating our front room…and have an awesome new project coming up in June that will finally make it complete (for now 🙂 you know how that goes lol). This room has changed more times than I can count on 4 hands 🙂

Next up, is my living room. This room also changes a lot 🙂 Well, at least the accessories. That’s the best thing about having neutral main pieces. On my blog, I share tutorials on how to make those tree stump coffee tables, the burlap curtains, and a ton of pillow tutorials.
I also show how to turn a strange alcove (that for whatever reason builders love to put in 🙂 ) into some great book shelves. Another few DIY projects in this room is the crate between the chairs, the log holder, the fireplace cover, and my favorite, although you can’t see it, my unique side table.
And now onto my dining room. The first thing I added to this room to give it the most character was the cedar planked walls. It brings so much texture..and the smell is wonderful too 🙂 And that mirror? Cost to make, $11. I also give some plans on how to make the farmhouse bench. I love how it opened this room up so much!

I love my master bedroom….when it’s clean 🙂 It rarely looks like this anymore now with a newborn taking over the joint. Maybe I’ll be able to reclaim it eventually. Instead, for now, I have mounds of diapers, wipes, clothes, dirty clothes, dirty diapers, etc etc. You get the point 🙂 This room’s total cost was under $100 to do. Most everything was given to me, or I found, built or refurbished it from thrift store finds. The headboard is my fave 🙂 It’s over six feet tall! Love it 🙂 Headboards are another obsession of mine lol. I have made way way to many 🙂 But this tutorial shows you how to do it for $20 :)…so you can get away with making way way too many lol.
Another favorite thing I love building? That sofa table with the iron scroll.These plans can practically make any piece of furniture 🙂
You should have seen my guest room/office before. It was horrible. It was more like a junk pile lol. I decided one day to just go head in deep and finally get it under control. But it had to house a bed and an office…and all my junk 🙂 You can see how I managed to do it in this post here.
I’m finally getting around to redoing my master bathroom too. I don’t know why I made this the last bathroom to redo! I use it the most, you would think it would be perfect and shiny all the time. Nope. It was a mess lol. Follow along for the progress with this one 🙂
….And I almost totally forgot. The love my life, my sweet little babe 🙂 Her nursery. This room was so much fun to do. I wanted to keep it as neutral as possible…I guess if you look around my house, that’s the main theme anyway lol. I’m not one for pinks/blues for babies, I wanted it to be clean and simple. Too bad I was painting the ceiling at 9 months trying to get this done before she arrived, she has yet to sleep in here….and its been over 4 months now lol. Oh well, you live you learn 🙂
This may have been picture overload, but what can I say? I guess I’m house proud and love showing it off when I get a chance! These projects and rooms are only a small fraction of the projects that I have on my blog since I’ve been blogger for almost 4 years now….wow, how does time fly by so fast?!
Thank you again Marty for letting me steal your blog for a day!
Oh my word, don’t you totally love her and her home. She knows how to do some of the most incredible DIY projects for just pennies. You defiitely have to follow her blog so you can see everything she is up to. Thanks tons Alicia, I have loved every minute of being to brag about you. You really are incredible.
Be sure to visit and follow Thrifty and Chic, you really want to stay in touch and not miss a single post.

I am linking to the following parties:
Wendy at The Shabby Nest for Frugal Friday
Richella at Imparting Grace for Grace at Home
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday
Alison at Stuff and Nonsense for Friday’s Unfolded
Courtney at French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
Diann at The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday
Debra at Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday
Sherry at The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home Friday
Kate at Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Friday
Jane at Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Friday
Jennifer at Jennifer Rizzo for Fabulously Creative Linky Party
Jen at Tatertots and Jello for Weekend Wrap Up Party Friday
Karen at Redoux Interiors Friday Party
Aimee at It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat.
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