167th Inspire Me Tuesday

Welcome to the 167th Inspire Me Tuesday.  I love this series, so much fun to see what all you guys are up to and you definitely blow my socks off each week.  Here are just a few things from last week.

MT-Tails has her patio all ready for summer.  It is stunning.  You really need to go see the whole thing.  I love the crates she added to the wall.

The Dedicated House shared an amazing makeover of this bathroom.  Love, love, love the beadboard, great redo.

DIY with Jen and B shared another fabulous bathroom makeover, and she give us an amazing tutorial for how to do the board and batten.  Gorgeous.

Krysta Steen gave a fabulous tutorial on how to make an etched glass vase.

You really have to go see this amazing Wine Closet at Through My Porch Window.  Love this and she has it accessorized so beautifully.

CoBabe In Suburbia give us a fabulous tutorial on how to turn an ordinary picture into a gorgeous canvas.  I can’t wait to try this with a couple of prints I have. 

The Fancy Shack gave us a tour of her dining room redo.  It is absolutely wonderful.

If you were featured, I would love for you to grab my button. 

Ok, now let’s see what all you guys have been up to.
A special note.  I am in Oregon, but I will check in when I can.  

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