Home » Ok Ladies, I Need Advice

Ok Ladies, I Need Advice

I think I am finally coming up with a few things that will totally make the hall bathroom wonderful.  Just a cosmetic facelift, but I think it will definitely change the look dramatically.  This is my summer project, so I am getting anxious to get started.

This is my inspiration picture.

 This is the mirror I have my eye on.  I love this shape and I think it will be perfect for my room. The mirror is from Classy Mirrors and is $162.00  It is 26″wide x 36″ high, so just the perfect size for the vanity. While this is not an expensive mirror, this would be my big splurge for this redo.

Then I found this frame at Hobby Lobby. $79.99 and with 50% off,= $40.  It is 28 x 36, so a little bit larger than the current mirror I have.  I already have the sheet mirror I took down from this space, and to have it cut to fit the frame is only $10.  I think this is going to win out.  $50 versus $162.  

Not sure if the one above is way too much for the bathroom, so I might try my hand at gilding the mirror I already have.  It is a nice heavy wood one and would look fabulous if it was antique gold.  It measures 26 x 32.  I already have some gilders paste and I can buy a pack of gold leaf really cheap, so I might be able to rehab the one I have for about $15.   (Yes, I am definitley taking the medecine cabinet out and patching the hole with sheetrock so it matches the wall.   Ok, ladies, give me some input.  Which way to go with the mirror?  I want this to look elegant, not cheap or like a bordello.

 This is the style of faucet that I really like.

 This is the large buffalo check fabric in Biscuit that I will make the shower curtain out of.  A nice heavy weight cotton and is $21.99 yd. It is from Decorative Fabrics Direct.   I will need 4 yds.  I have 91/2 ft. ceilings and I like for my curtains to go all the way to the ceiling. ( I always have a seperate shower liner behind on a seperate rod, but I do line it with a fabric shower liner too, so no worries about it getting wet)

That’s a total of $331.95 if I go with the scroll mirror, or a total of $221.95 if I go with the rectangle mirror.  If I can gold leaf the mirror I have, then I can come in around$180.  I was hoping to do everything for around $200, so I am pushing it really close.  I’m having a hard time trying to convince myself the scroll mirror is worth $110 more than the rectangle, plus it just might be too much for the bathroom anyway..  I have several accessories that I can repurpose, so that will help with the total cost.

Remember, this is my builder basic bathroom that I am working with.  I have some fabulous artwork that is being reframed, so I think this room will look totally different with some elegant accessories.

To Do List:

Remove medecine cabinet and patch hole

Paint Walls- Valspar Antique Fiolli Lace (soft creamy beige )

Paint Cabinet – Antique White

Install new faucet

Hang new mirror

Make shower curtain

Add accessories

I am joining the following parties:

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style for WOW Wednesday
Deborah @ Green Willow Pond for What We Accomplished Wednesday
Ivy @ Ivy and Elephants for What’s It Wednesday
Judy @ DIY by Design for Sizzle Into Summer Wednesday
Kristen @ We Are That Family for Works For Me Wednesday
The Everyday Home for Homework Wednesday
Lindsay @ Southern Lovely for Show and Share
Lucy @ Craftberry Bush for Inspiration Gallery Thursday
Yvonne @ Stonegable  for Tutorials – Tips and Tidbits Thursday
Gina @ The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday
Sherry @ No Minimalist Here for Open House Party on Thursdays
Katherine @ Katherines Corner for Favorite Things Thursday Hop
Niki @ The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things Thursday
Kathy @ A Delightsome Life for Home and Garden Thursday
Richella @ Imparting Grace for Grace at Home
Susan @ Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday
Pamela @ From My Front Porch To Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday
Desirie @ The 36th Avenue for 36th Avenue Party Thursday

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