New Treasure and Some Changes

I am making a few changes around here, things are on the move.  Here’s a little sneak peak.

It all started when I found this.  I know I have a thing for garden stools, but they can go anywhere, so I just had to have this one.  Look at that gorgeous color and finish, way too perfect.

 Now see the price, do you blame me.  Of course I had to have it.  This one is super heavy too, wow, don’t want to try and move it around too often.

Remember the chair I found at GW, it’s being tweaked and moving around to a new spot too.

This garden stool is on the move too.

I am in a mood to shake things up a bit, so here we go.  Are you wanting changes too?Don’t forget to link up to Inspire Me tomorrow afternoon.  Hope to see you there.

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