Home » 175th Inspire Me Tuesday

175th Inspire Me Tuesday

Wow, we are at # 175.  That’s a huge milestone.  Definitely on our way to that #200 mark.  This is 175 weeks of you guys totally amazing projects and creative adventures.  I love, love, love seeing everything you come up with.  Let’s start off with a few fabulous links from last week.

It’s so hot here and I would love to be at the beach or the lake, so when I saw this I just stopped and drooled.  Is there anything more perfect?  Visit Home Is Where The Boat Is.

Isn’t this just amazing!!!  Lynda Bergman painted this gorgeous stove hood to look like copper.  Stunning.

Ethereal PLUS What I Love was actually showing us her new backsplash, it is stunning, however I totally fell in love with her island.  How cute is this.

I have a thing for islands, and this one is totally fabulous too.  Tazas & Cuentos use an old store counter as their island.  Isn’t the color and detail of  this piece to die for.  Be sure to go see their entire kitchen, a dream for sure.

Nothing But Blue Skies shared a house tour after some of her reno’s were complete.  Gorgeous.

Starfish Studio showed how she takes her favorite french soap and wraps it for the perfect hostess gift.  I love this idea.

Posed Perfection gave us two recipes for Chicken Enchiladas that had my mouth watering.  These look sooooooooooo good.

Now let’s see what you guys have been up to lately.  You constantly amaze me.  If you were featured, please grab my button

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