Show Off & Inspire-My Sweet Savannah

Today I am so happy to be able to feature Melaine at My Sweet Savannah.  From the minute I saw her blog for the first time I was totally in love with her style.  She is absolutely stunning and her style is every bit as exquisite as she is.  I know you all agree with me if you have been following her and if not, then you are in for a really special treat.

Her home is what dreams are made of.  I love her attention to detail and how warm and inviting every space is.  Her photography skills are fabulous too.  Just look at the detail in the ceiling and those fabulous windows.  What a stunning room.

 Love her wall collages and the way she mixes fabrics and texture.  Notice burlap and fur.  How fun is that.

Every vignette is always intersting and unique.

Mixing styles, patterns and textures is part of her signature style that is so inviting.

This nightstand is a fabulous touch of industrial in her son’s bedroom.  

Just look at this amazing shower for the clawfoot tub in her son’s bathroom!!!

Her talents also spill over into some pretty crafty ideas too.  One of her most popular posts has been how she and her son created these fabulous scrabble tile ornaments. She shares such a great tutorial on
                                                                         “How To”.

Here is what you will need:

an assortment of scrabble letters and some scrabble trays.

You will also need a saw,

I forgot to put that in the picture.

hot glue gun

twine or ribbon

drill with a small drill bit

Start by making your words.

We chose to use Christmas or winter themed words,

but also did some that say, “mom” and “dad”

Cody came up with all the words.

Who knew this would be an educational craft project?

After you place the words on the tray, mark with a pencil,

take letters off, and cut the tray to size.

I used a chop saw so I had to sand the edges, but you could also use a hand saw.

Then all you have to do is hot glue the letters in place! I used a drill with a small drill bit to drill 2 holes in the center top of each tray. Then I added a bit of hot glue and black twine in each whole to secure.

You could use colorful ribbon too.

In about an hour we had over 30 ornaments!

It was fun, easy, and it will be a unique hand crafted item to add to our tree!


Thanks so much Melaine for letting me Show Off and Brag about you a little today.  If you don’t already follow along with all of her wonderful DIY and design project, then be sure to hurry over and click the follow button so you don’t miss a thing.
                                                               My Sweet Savannah.

Don’t forget,  mark your calendars for an Old Fashioned Holiday Baking Party Nov. 20th.

  Pull out your favorite recipes and let’s share.  So plan to join the party

I am linking to the following parties:

 Imparting Grace for Grace at Home, My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Fri

                                        French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

 The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Fri, Common Ground for Be Inspired Fri

The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home ,

 Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Fri

 Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Fri,

 Jennifer Rizzo for Fabulously Creative Linky Party

 Redoux Interiors Friday Party, A Stylish Interior for Stylish Friday Finds

Classy Clutter for Spotlight Saturday, Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks Linky

It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat., Funky Junk Interiors for Party Junk

Be Different Act Normal for Show & Tell Sat.

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