Let There Be Light

My home has tons of windows and I love how sunny and bright it is all the time, except for one area.  Remember that hall bathroom that I redid a while back.  You can see that whole redo here.

Well in order to take these pictures, I had to put a huge worklight in the bathtub so it would light up the room enough for the camera to get a good picture without a flash.


The light above the sink gives ample light if you are putting on makeup or brushing your teeth, but when you are in the shower with the shower curtain drawn, then it is a little dark.  Plus you have to have the light on anytime you want to be in that room.

I have been prodding my DH to put in a Solar  light.  It would light up the bathroom and the adjoining hall with natural light and save on electricity.  (Can you see how I am prompting my hubby’s financial senses ?)

Well, I found the perfect thing and it is called a Solar Tunnel.  It is by a company called VELLUX®.  See all that glorious light and they don’t have to have the electric on.  This unit is not really huge, but lets in a ton of natural light.

 Super simple to install and very reasonably priced.  You can read all about this and other fabulous products they have at VELUX shop.

Now wouldn’t that be perfect for my hall bathroom? (Did I make a good case to the hubby?)  He thinks it would be fabulous and has agreed to put it on his to do list.  Yeah, I will love it.  There is nothing like natural light in a bathroom or any room in the house.

So tell me, do you have any projects that you want to do?

(Disclosure – This is a sponsored post- but all comments are totally mine.)

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