Holiday Baking Party

                                                     Welcome to the Holiday Baking Party.

As your hostesses, we are thrilled you have joined us and we can’t wait to see what all you guys are “cooking” up. 

                                Atta Girl  Says       Down To Earth Style      A Stroll Thru Life                                                    

I pulled out my family’s favorites to share.  These are tried and true recipes as you will notice by all the smudges on my recipe cards, but they are ones that are worth a try for your family and they might become your favorites too.

This is what my kitchen looks like right now.  (Well, not really, I am only showing you a kind of clean section.)

Here are a few of my family’s favorites and the recipes.

These are Chocolate Crackles and definitely my youngest son’s favorite of all.

I love a good Pecan Pie, and this one is the best ever.

Everyone loves Pumpkin Bread, and this recipe makes 3 big loaves or you can make a ton of small ones as gifts.

The one thing that really means Christmas to my family are the old fashioned Sugar Cookies.  As you can tell from the rolling pin and cutters, I have been making these for over 50 years.  My grown children, grands and great-grand expect them or it just isn’t going to be Christmas.

Those old cutters sometimes leave the edges a  little rough, but they still work.

Topped with a sprinkle of sugar, they are perfect.  Let cool, shake off the excess and yummmmmmm.

Some ready for Thanksgiving and some already started for Christmas.

          Ok now, let’s see what you have been baking, I can’t wait to try out your favorite recipes too.

             Just link up with any of your three hostesses and your links will appear on all three blogs.

                                 Atta Girl  Says       Down To Earth Style      A Stroll Thru Life                                                   

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