Home » 192nd Inspire Me Tuesday

192nd Inspire Me Tuesday

Welcome to the 192nd Inspire Me Tuesday.  Seems like some of you are already doing Christmas and some are still doing Fall.  I am not doing either, ha-ha.   I have a little Fall out, then wait until after Thanksgiving and on to Christmas, so I loved seeing some of both.

 First I want to THANK YOU all so much for your sweet prayers yesterday.  My little great-grandson Bronx is still in ICU on the ventilator, but he is stable and improving daily. Our whole family is so grateful for your continued prayers.

If you are in baking mode you need to check out our Holiday Baking Party we had last Wed.  There were so many fabulous recipes linked up.  So if you missed any of them be sure to check it out.

  Here are a few things that were pretty and fun from last weeks Inspire Me party.

Tea In Texas created this wonderful Thanksgiving tablescape.  I love the pilgrims, turkey’s and all the copper too.  You need to go see all the details, so pretty.

Liz at Rose Vignettes shared a tutorial on how to make these fabulous Cameo napkin rings.  Don’t you love the wood, burlap and lace on the table setting.  Stunning.

Need a fabulous centerpiece just using what’s outside.  Well if you have corn stalks then you can create this absolutely stunning centerpiece that Custom Comforts shares.  Isn’t it beautiful.  She has a great tutorial.

Purple Hues and Me showed us a step by step tutorial on how to make this stunning Snowflake Tree Skirt.

Can you believe Our Home Away From Home created this fabulous garland down her staircase and around her front door from things she found at the $1 store.  Definitely my kind of shopping.  Go see all the details.

Aren’t these the cutest little paper Christmas Trees that Creating A Life made.  Don’t you love her unique stands she made too.  So clever and creative.

Twelve Oaks Manor shared this fantastic winter-wonderland.  I love that wagon, isn’t it fabulous.

                                                SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT                                                        
                                BE SURE TO COME BACK ON FRIDAY 11/29 FOR A
                                     $150 BLACK FRIDAY GIVEAWAY
                   A special treat for you or someone special, so come back and sign up to win.

If you were featured, please grab my button from the sidebar.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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