Home » 193rd Inspire Me Tuesday

193rd Inspire Me Tuesday

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving.  Ours was wonderful and of course I ate way tooooooooo much.  So now it is on to Christmas.  I know most of you have some or all of your decor up already, so let’s take a peak at some of it from last week.

day2day SuperMom gives us a tutorial for this fabulous and gorgeous Thanksgiving Tree.  So perfect for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Seems like everyone is going all out with handmade Christmas Decorations.  Vintage Paint & More created 12 fabulous trees.  You really have to go see them all.

Purple Hues and Me shares a tutorial on how to create this gorgeously stunning tree.

If you want to see elegant shabby chic perfection, then you have to visit Bella’s Rose Cottage

I LOVED, LOVED this idea by Dirty Hands-Beautiful Life.  She calls this her ‘in-between” tree done with branches and flowers.  Still fall and not quite Chirstmas.

An update on my Great-grandson Bronx.  He is off the ventilator and back on the CPAP to help him breath..  He is stable and his lungs are healing. He was a week old Friday and his parents, my grandson and his wife got to hold him for the first time.  This was truly a great day and so many blessing.   Doctors think he should be out of NICU in a week hopefully. Thank you all so much for your prayers.  God is so GOOD.

(Holding Daddy’s hand)

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Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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