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Show Off & Inspire – Our Southern Home

I know I say this every time, but today I am super thrilled to be able to  Show Off & Brag about Christy from Our Southern Home..  She has a gorgeous home filled with beautiful decor and fabulous DIY projects, plus she always shares all of her “how-to’s”.  If you havn’t met her, then you are in for a super treat.  Her photo and logo show how gracious, warm and welcoming she is.

It’s December, and I get to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!

I am Christy from Our Southern Home. I am so thrilled that Marty has asked me to share our home and a few projects with you in her Show Off & Inspire series! Marty is just such a sweet and talented lady. I am amazed at all she does! She even finds the time to comment and support other bloggers! Thanks, Marty!!

Let’s get started! You can read all about me and my family HERE. We built our home and have been living here for over 9 years now. We live in the country with quite a few animals…horses, cats and a dog. Just as my tag line says…I blog about my love of all things home and family!  I’ve been blogging close to 1-1/2 years.


Here is our front porch decorated for fall. My fall tour is HERE. I just recently packed away all of the fall decor and have been very busy getting ready for Christmas! 

1-Family_Room_Christmas 042

Here is this year’s front entrance. I love using traditional red outside. I really think it stands out especially against the lighter colored brick.

summer home tour

I thoroughly enjoy decorating our home and for occasional clients. My style I think has really set in. I’m a traditional girl at heart, but I never see myself growing tired of French Country and farmhouse styles. I love to mix in thrift store and vintage treasures for that unexpected bit of whim. All three of these rugs pictured here are either antique or vintage. For example, our dining room furniture was purchased new many years ago, but sits on a $100 vintage rug found on eBay. My style incorporates mixing old with new. That’s what I think gives our space lived in character.

summer dining room

Here is our dining room decorated for summer. I do have fun with the table! You can see my summer tour HERE.


 This was last year at Christmas looking into my husband’s home office/study. 


I love to cook and the kitchen has always been a favorite room of mine! The stained pine perimeter cabinets and painted island have been so easy to maintain. It is very much a family kitchen! You can read more about our French Country kitchen HERE.  I am loving the popular look of all neutrals and whites, but will always be drawn to subtle color. I am enjoying adding neutral items here and there, but maintaining my use of color.  

   A local tile artist painted and fired the French Country village scene on tumbled marble tiles.  It actually has all of our names hidden within the design!


I enjoy incorporating rusty reds, greens, blues and neutrals into my decorating. The walls in the breakfast area are a green washed Cyprus.  The ceiling planks are stained pine.


We find that we dine here more even when we have company! Here it is decorated with simple Christmas touches.

southern screened porch

Our screened porch is another favorite room in the house.  This is really where I showcase my love of vintage casual.  All the furniture with the exception of the outdoor wicker has been a used find and repainted.  We eat dinner here most nights late spring (after the nasty southern pollen has run its course) through late fall.  You can see more of the porch HERE.  

our southern screened porch

The screened porch has access from the kitchen/family room and the master bedroom.


Here is our family room. It is a favorite room in the cooler weather months as we love burning the real wood burning fireplace.

summer home tour


This year’s mantel is slightly different this year with the addition of the giant PEACE letters. I’ll be sharing with you how to create those very soon! They are less than $7 each, and we are really enjoying them this year!


The guest room is off of the family room and is still a work in progress. I adore collecting tole trays…..a nod to my love of French Country.


This is my most treasured piece in our home.  We purchased it in Southport, NC.  It is an antique painted piece from Germany.  It houses my massive yarn stash (confessed yarn hoarder).  It used to be in our master bedroom, but in this house it is in the guest room. Here is a recent knitting project if you like to knit!


Knitted Infinity Scarf 

summer home tour

Here is our 14 year-old daughter’s room.

summer home tour

This is our 17 year-old son’s room which is looking a bit differently lately due to the antique desk that I painted for him. 

 As you can see, his room is a work in progress! He will be getting a desk lamp and an industrial metal chair very soon!


 This desk is one of my favorite painting projects! You can read all about it HERE.

summer home tour

Here is my crafting and sewing area. It only looks this neat on photo taking days! You probably can’t even see the sewing machine right now! 

no sew drop cloth curtains

This was one of my favorite no-sew projects from the craft room.

summer home tour

This is the upstairs bonus room that we really watch most of our TV and movies as a family. That denim slip-covered sofa was my mom’s! She was getting rid of it, and we needed more seating up here. It is where I regularly fall asleep and never finish the end of movies! 


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   Many thanks again to Marty for giving me the honor to be apart of Show Off & Inspire! I wish you all a very blessed holiday season! You can find my 2013 Christmas Tour {downstairs} HERE.

I’d love for you to visit Our Southern Home and follow along! You can find my projects HERE and my home tour HERE.


Didn’t I tell you that her home was stunning.  I love every room in her house and could move in and never change a thing.  Her style is so elegant and beautiful with the gracious warmth of a true southern home.  If you don’t follow her blog, then be sure to go over and click to follow.  You really don’t want to miss a single post.

Our Southern Home

I am linking to the following parties:

 Imparting Grace for Grace at Home, My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Fri

      French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

 The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Fri, Common Ground for Be Inspired Fri

The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home ,

 Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Fri

 Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Fri ,Rooted In Thyme Simple & Sweet Fri.

 Jennifer Rizzo for Fabulously Creative Linky Party

 Redoux Interiors Friday Party, A Stylish Interior for Stylish Friday Finds

Classy Clutter for Spotlight Saturday, Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks Linky

It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat., Funky Junk Interiors for Party Junk

Be Different Act Normal for Show & Tell Sat.

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