A Real Budget Buster But Worth It

I have been having back aches frequently and have been trying to figure out what the problem is or what I am doing wrong.  Seems like I can go for weeks and no problem, then all of a sudden I can hardly move.  Then my DH started to complain about his back too.  Now something has to be wrong here.  Finally I took a good look at our mattress, and wow, I definitely think that is the problem.  They say you should buy a new mattress every 8 years, but somehow that just doesn’t always happen and suddenly you realize yours is 15 years old and a little lot less supportive than it should be.

So the hunt began for something that would give us the support we need and be comfortable. Neither one of us liked any of the memory foam mattresses, we both liked a coil spring better, so that helped narrow down the hunt. 

This one is the winner-Custom Mattress.  Firm support with just enough of a pillow top to give it a little softness.

 A gazillion individually wrapped coil springs so you can’t feel the motion when someone rolls over.

 And it even has a really pretty kind of frenchy patterned fabric on top.

Now the trade off is, this made a huge dent in my new hardwood flooring budget I had saved up, but the upside is maybe we will get a much better nights sleep and that will be worth it.  (This is not a sponsored post and I was not compensated in any way.)

So, what unexpected major investment have you made recently?

I am joining the following parties:

 Silver Pennies for Silver Pennies Sunday,Twigg Studios for Sunday Showoff Party

The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday,Stephanie Lynn for Sunday Showcase

Three Mango Seeds It’s Party Time,  DIY Showoff for DIY Showoff Party

Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday

 Creatively Living for Monday Funday PartyMod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday

The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Monday

 Between Naps On The Porch for Metamorphosis Monday

Dwellings-Heart of Your Home for Amaze Me Monday

                                        Rain on a Tin Roof for Give Me The Goods Monday
                                                         An Extraordinary Day  for Project Inspire

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