Living Room Rearranged

You know how it is when you are deep cleaning and you move all the furniuture to vacuum, well, it’s a huge temptation to rearrange things, so I switched a few things around.  Then while I was at it, I changed out lamps, pillows and accessories.  I had a ball, just playing and not spending a dime.  Just shopping the house and using what I have.

This year I think I will change out the drapes, I love these but I’ve looked at them for 8 years now, so time for a change.  I am thinking white or cream color.  This got me to thinking about adding something light between the two leather chairs, so I swapped the chest and the skirted table.  It’s amazizng how much different that makes things look.

 I also decided to use some grey in here too and since I had the matching pillows to the ones in the family room, I brought them in just to see how they would look.  I’m still debating on this.  I think they look a lot better in the familyroom.  You can see them here.

 The chest got moved to this side of the sofa where the skirted table usually is.(not sure it will stay here, there’s an awful lot of brown with the dining table/chairs and the buffet next to it.

 I added this silver and white runner I got for Christmas to the top.

 I changed out the scarf on the coffee table too.

Not sure this will stay this way for long, but it’s ok to play and see how I like a change.  Sometimes it just has to grow on me.

Since I am still using the brown drapes, I think the brown almost works better in here.

 At any rate, I am having fun just playing and it is all free.  So what do you think, do any of the changes work, or was it way better before?

How about you, are you moving things all around too?

 I am joining the following parties:

 Savvy Southern Style for WOW , Green Willow Pond for What We Accomplished Ivy and Elephants for What’s It Wednesday, DIY by Design for Fall Into Fall We Are That Family for Works For Me Wed.,Style Sisters for Centerpiece Wed. 

City Farmhouse for Inspiration Exchange Wed.

 Craftberry Bush for Inspiration Gallery Thursday  The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday

 No Minimalist Here for Open House Party, Posed Perfection for All Things Thursday Hop

 Katherines Corner for Favorite Things, The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things 

 A Delightsome Life for Home and Garden, Imparting Grace for Grace at Home Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday From My Front Porch To Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday The 36th Avenue for 36th Avenue Party

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