A Trip to Ikea

From my house it is quite the drive to Ikea, according to their directions it is 39.2 miles from my house.  I live on the west side of town and Ikea is on the southeast side, so I have tons of town, freeways and traffic to battle to get there.  Needless to say, I don’t go all that often, but they had some things I really wanted to check out, so off I went.

First thing I spotted when I got there was this throw that I had been coveting, they had it thrown over a sofa as you enter.  I saw it in the family room tour at City Farmhouse and fell in love.  She said it came from Ikea, so I looked for it while I was there. You really need to see her familyroom, it is stunning.

Love the colors, grey, brown and a tiny stripe with rust.  It will go with so much and I adore plaid.

 I think the fringe is fabulous.  I love how they used all the different colors for it.

 Love the grey and brown mixed together. Great combination

 Of course you always find tons of treasure when you are there, so I had to have this little brown & cream orb.  It works perfectly with my spheres.

Finding the throw and orb was just the icing on the cake, however the main reason for the trip was these drapes.  I wanted to see the fabric first hand and make sure they were what I wanted.  

 I love them, they look like a nice linen when they are hung, such a pretty fabric and for $24.95 for the pair, wow, how can you go wrong.

Remember I showed you my idea board here, so this is just a little start.  These curtains are going to be fabulous in my living room.  I can’t wait to start pulling that room together for a whole new look.

 I am joining the following parties:

 Craftberry Bush for Inspiration Gallery Thursday  The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday

 No Minimalist Here for Open House Party, Posed Perfection for All Things Thursday Hop

 Katherines Corner for Favorite Things, The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things 

 A Delightsome Life for Home and Garden, Imparting Grace for Grace at Home Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday From My Front Porch To Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday The 36th Avenue for 36th Avenue Party

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