Show Off & Inspire – Emily A. Clark

Today I have the honor to Show Off a lady that I totally think is Super Woman.  She is the mom of 5 small children, looks like a french model and has a totally stunning home, plus she has a fabulous blog (that is one of the most viewed and followed) where she constantly shares all of her latest DIY projects and decor ideas.  Now I can’t even imagine how in the world she does all of that.  Then to top it all off, she just has to be one of the nicest ladies in all of blogland.  So beauty, grace and talent are just a few of her attributes.  I know you are going to love seeing a tour of her home, and if you don’t know her, you will be totally impressed.

Please say a huge hello to 

Emily A. Clark

I’m honored that Marty would extend an invitation to show off my home on her blog. It’s okay if I brag on her a little, too—right? She’s always a sweet encouragement to me, and I smile every time I see a comment on one of my posts signed “hugs, Marty.”
We moved into our current home a little over 2 1/2 years ago, and I’ve been slowly working on making it feel like us. I want our home to be pretty and stylish, of course, but most of all, I want it to feel comfortable—and happy. It’s a slow process between all of the starting and stopping that happens between “life”, but it’s getting there. Here are a few of the (mostly) finished spots in our home:

Our home office was one of the first rooms I completed. We converted the dining room into my workspace by having a wall of bookcases built, and I found a farmhouse table on Craigslist that I use for my desk. (It also makes it pretty easy to convert the space back into a dining room, if we ever need it.) I blogged about the process of converting this room here.

Our living room is an eclectic mix of some of my favorite flea market, Craigslist and thrift store finds. I also added the white slipcovered chairs and jute rug into the mix for this house to give it a lighter, more casual feel. (You can see how I used some of the same pieces in our last living room here.) Lighting is always a bit tricky with an open floor plan, so I added these wall lamps on each side of the TV and filled the rest of the wall with art.

I always love a classic stripe, and brought in a bold pattern on the walls to define our open entry. Several months after moving in, we traded out a console table for a piano, which actually helps us to make better use of this space. The artwork is from an old botanical book. I bought inexpensive plastic frames, sprayed them gold and had the mats custom-cut from a seller on Ebay.

I spent months removing wallpaper in our powder room before painting it a dark gray. The mirror is one of my favorite flea market finds to date.

And, I’ll finish up this little tour with our master bedroom. To keep it light and bright, I layered white curtains on white walls and kept the bedding white, as well—with just a few punches of color and pattern. Our IKEA nightstands got a simple DIY gold upgrade.

Thanks again to Marty for “showing me off.” You can see more of my home here.

Aren’t you just totally impressed.  I knew you would love her style.  To see more of her home and more of her fabulous projects, be sure to go by and click that follow button, you don’t want to ever miss a post.

Emily A. Clark

Thanks tons for letting me brag about you a little, as you know, I really am one of your biggest fans.

I am linking to the following parties:

 Imparting Grace for Grace at Home, My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Fri

                                            French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

 The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Fri, Common Ground for Be Inspired Fri

The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home ,

 Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Fri

 Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Fri ,Rooted In Thyme Simple & Sweet Fri.

 Jennifer Rizzo for Fabulously Creative Linky Party

 Redoux Interiors Friday Party, Classy Clutter for Spotlight Saturday

 Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks Linky, Funky Junk Interiors for Party Junk

It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat., 

Be Different Act Normal for Show & Tell Sat.

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