Home » Best Scalloped Potatoes & Ham Ever

Best Scalloped Potatoes & Ham Ever

I used most everything in my freezer over the holidays so I could start fresh for the new year.  The only thing I still had was a little bit of ham left from Christmas day, so I decided to make one of my favorite dishes ever.


I love this, it can be used as a main dish with just a salad or as a side dish if you have a large crowd. ( or if you are like me and you could eat it every day)

You can make as much or as little as you like.

peel potatoes and slice in thin slices

one onion sliced in this slices

shredded cheese ( I like a combo of jack and mozzorella or the pkg. 3 cheese variety)

left over ham cut into small chunks

1 can of cream of mushroom soup

1/3 cup milk

Put a layer of sliced potatoes in bottom of casserole dish ( layer at least two to 3 potatoes deep), then layer some of the onions on top.  Sprinkle around a few chunks of the ham, and also sprinkle some of the shredded cheese on top.  Spoon on about 1/2 of the soup (straight out of the can) I don’t add any salt, but I do grind a small amount of fresh pepper on top.

Repeat for the second layer.  Put 1/3 cup milk in the soup can and stir to get all of the rest of the soup mixed in and pour evenly over the top.  

Bake in 350 degree oven until potatoes are soft.

Time will vary depending on how big of a casserole dish you make.   I usually allow 1 to 1 1/2 hours.  Longer if making a really big casserole.

This is perfect as a side dish or main course.  

I am joining the following parties:

 Silver Pennies for Silver Pennies Sunday,Twigg Studios for Sunday Showoff Party

The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday,Stephanie Lynn for Sunday Showcase

Three Mango Seeds It’s Party Time,  DIY Showoff for DIY Showoff Party

Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday

 Creatively Living for Monday Funday PartyMod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday

The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Monday

 Between Naps On The Porch for Metamorphosis Monday

Dwellings-Heart of Your Home for Amaze Me Monday

                                        Rain on a Tin Roof for Give Me The Goods Monday
                                                         An Extraordinary Day  for Project Inspire

Comforts of Home for Tasty Tuesday

Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday

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