Show Off & Inspire-Tidbits and Twine

You know how sometimes you see a home and you love everything about it and feel like you could just move in and be totally at home.  That’s how I felt when I first saw how Kim had decorated her home.   I so admire how she mixes old and new, precious and ordinary to create warm, inviting and such chic spaces.  I am so thrilled to be able to show her off today and I know you are going to love seeing a tour of her home.

 Hi everyone! I’m Kim from Tidbits&Twine. Marty has been kind to me and I always smile whenever I see “hugs, Marty” show up in my blog’s comments, so I was thrilled when she asked me to be a part of her amazing Show Off & Inspire series. I hope you’ll enjoy this tour of my home!

I live with my husband and two young kids in a California tract home built in the late ’80′s, so my goal is to make my home feel like me, even though it looks like everyone else’s! I do the best I can with a bit of paint, some home decor, and a lot of passion.


TIDBITS & TWINE Dining Room 4 REV 2


I am still fairly new to blogging (almost 1 year!) and I’ve been asked quite often why my blog is called “Tidbits&Twine.” I chose the name because my blog contains tidbits of information about my life, my home, and decorating, all wrapped up in one place. It also describes my decorating style, which is a little of this and a little of that, all tied together under one roof. I would describe my home as classic, European-inspired, elegant, a little bit industrial, and curated. I love to mix together a lot of opposites to create texture and interest.


When we moved in, the kitchen was pure ’80’s with whitewashed oak cabinets, white tile counters, and a floral patterned tile floor. We couldn’t do an entire kitchen renovation, but did make some changes that better represented our style. We replaced the backsplash, countertop and floors with natural stone. We also removed the small, under cabinet hood and the two small cabinets above to make room for a chimney hood.

TIDBITS & TWINE Kitchen 2014

TIDBITS & TWINE Kitchen 3 2014 REV

 To save money, we left the original cabinets in place but ordered new doors and then painted everything to match. One of my favorite changes to help update the look of our builder-grade cabinets was the addition of the moulding to the bottom of the upper cabinets, where previously, there was none.

Tidbits&Twine Kitchen Cabinet Trim


Our dining room is a constant work-in-progress as I transition from my Italian phase of decorating to something a bit lighter and brighter. I am still using our old, hand-carved trestle table that I picked up from a consignment shop almost 15 years ago, but I’ve recently paired it with some newer French chairs that I embellished with temporary numbers. I also updated my iron chandelier with a bit of crystal to change the look just a bit {on a budget}.




We are fortunate to have a spare bedroom for guests, but it used to be cluttered with extra stuff from around the house and had no real style of its own. I found a few mismatched pieces of furniture on Craigslist and once they were all painted black, they set the mood for what this room would become. A few accessories and the room was transformed!



I love this hutch because the top slides out to create a work space for guests, and since the room is so tiny, space-savers like this and the hanging sconces are just what this room needed.




Our family room is super casual and is a place for the kids and their friends to watch movies, hang out, and play video games. Not long ago I completed a gallery wall to somewhat disguise the TV on the wall, using a mixture of family photos, mementos, and objects to create a collected look. I even managed to frame my grandmother’s leather baby gloves and include them in the gallery.

Tidbits&Twine Gallery Wall 3c AFTER


Surround yourself with things that are an extension of you…everything else is just stuff.


I think it is so important to surround yourself with things you truly love in order to create a space that feels comfortable to you. I don’t believe you should ever buy something just because it’s the right size, or the right color, or even just because it’s on sale, unless you really love it. One thing that I truly love is this vintage dress form that is in my bedroom.

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom  4 2014

 I think “she” epitomizes my style with her mix of masculine and feminine, old and new, rustic and elegant.

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom  5 2014

 I also really like to mix together a lot of different textures.

TIDBITS & TWINE Master Bedroom  9 2014


TIDBITS & TWINE Dining Room 6


Add in a little bit of sparkle and some fresh flowers and I’m a happy girl. 🙂

TIDBITS & TWINE Chandelier Makeover


I hope you’ll stop by and visit me at Tidbits&Twine to see more of my home, get decorating tips, explore DIY projects, and find lots of beautiful inspiration from around the web. I love to meet new friends who share my passion for decorating, so I hope you’ll leave me a comment when you stop by! And a big “thank you” to Marty for having me over today and letting me share with her readers!



Isn’t her home stunning!!!!  There is so much inspiration and eye candy in every single picture.  I love her attention to detail and her eye for design.  Now if you don’t already follow her, be sure to rush over and click the follow button, you really don’t want to miss a single post.  

Thanks tons Kim for letting me brag a little about you today, it has been a real thrill to have you here.

Tidbits & Twine

I am linking to the following parties:

 Imparting Grace for Grace at Home, My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Fri

                                            French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

 The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Fri, Common Ground for Be Inspired Fri

The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home ,

 Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Fri

 Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Fri ,Rooted In Thyme Simple & Sweet Fri.

 Jennifer Rizzo for Fabulously Creative Linky Party

 Redoux Interiors Friday Party, The Flying C for DIY Done Party

Classy Clutter for Spotlight Saturday

 Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks Linky, Funky Junk Interiors for Party Junk

It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat., 

Be Different Act Normal for Show & Tell Sat.

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