209th Inspire Me Tuesday & A Winner

Welcome to the 209th Inspire Me Tuesday.  I am thrilled you are here and can’t wait to see what you have been up to.  You guys are all so busy and I love it. 

  Thanks to everyone that entered the Grain Sack giveaway – – – -The Winner Is – –                                Bobbi Jo Voelker

email me your address and I will ship it right away.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now let’s see a few things from last weeks party:

Marlo and Bill just needed two things to finish off her dining room – a mirror and chandy.  I think she found the perfect ones.  Love them.

Now I would kill for love a laundry room like this one at Vintage Finds.

Can you believe you can turn a shed into this adorable playhouse?  Consider It All Joy did and she even furnished the inside.  You really need to see this.

Do you have a trash can you want to reinvent?  Timeless Treasures shares a tutorial on how to create this fabulous cloche.

You really need to go see more of this bathroom transformation.  It is gorgeous.  Just Paint It White did tons of DIY projects and totally transformed the whole room.

Here’s another bathroom you won’t believe.  You definitely have to go see the before.  Such an incredibly amazing makeover by A Couple of Pounds.

So Much Better With Age is almost done with her dining room makeover and it is gorgeous.  Love her style.

ANNOUNCEMENT – I started a DIY Group Pinterest board.  If you would like to be added so you can pin to this board, just send me an email and or leave me a comment and I will send you an invite.

Now let’s see what you have for this week. 

Party Guidelines

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