Home » Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

I don’t always have time to make cookies, you know stand there and watch the oven every 10 minutes, then put the cookies on a drying rack and reload the cookie sheet to cook more.  This doesn’t at all fit my life most days.  So I make cookie bars instead, and my family likes them even more.

Mix up the cookie dough just like you would for regular cookies.

Butter up a nice oblong baking pan generously with butter.

 Spread the dough evenly over the bottom of the pan.  Bake at 375 degrees for approximately 30 to 35 minutes.  You want the center to be firm but soft.  (No Jiggle when you move the pan)

 Place on a rack to cool.  As you can see, they rise beautifully to create generous bars.

 Let cool and then cut into 24 bars.  I saved some for us and I put the rest in a freezer bag for later.  Always nice to have something to pull out of the freezer for company. ( or in case I get a sweet tooth attack.)

So how about you, do you like cookie bars are do you prefer to bake them as cookies?

I would also like to introduce you to a new feature that Tarnished Royalty is starting.

Be sure to check it out, a great new way to swap.  Be sure to read her post, you will think this is genius.

I am joining the following parties:

Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday

 Silver Pennies for Silver Pennies Sunday,Twigg Studios for Sunday Showoff Party

The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday,Stephanie Lynn for Sunday Showcase

Three Mango Seeds It’s Party Time,  DIY Showoff for DIY Showoff Party

Boogieboard Cottage for Masterpiece Monday

 Creatively Living for Monday Funday PartyMod Vintage Life for Mod Mix Monday

The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Monday

 Between Naps On The Porch for Metamorphosis Monday

Dwellings-Heart of Your Home for Amaze Me Monday

                                        Rain on a Tin Roof for Give Me The Goods Monday
                                                         An Extraordinary Day  for Project Inspire

Comforts of Home for Tasty Tuesday

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