Home » Adding Bling To The Chandy

Adding Bling To The Chandy

Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men, etc – etc.  My latest project didn’t exactly turn out like I thought it would.

When I did my last post showing how I swapped out corbels and plates for the sconces in the dining area, I suggested that adding a little bling to the chandy might be nice and you all agreed.  I found some magnet prisms online, ordered them and couldn’t wait to change things up.

Since my chandy didn’t come with any bling, the magnets were supposed to be the perfect answer, unless what you have isn’t all metal.  See all that scrolled part in the middle and the candle cups, none of that is apparently metal, just the 4 scroll arms.  Now how weird is that.  I have no idea, but some kind of molded something, but certainly not metal, a magnet will not stick to it.

 So now since I have all these pretty baubles, this is the only way I could figure out to hang them.

 Not what I thought I was going to do.  I was originally going to put 2 on the side of each each candle cup and then one hanging down from the center arm scroll.  If that looked good then I would see about adding more.  Well, since that idea fell flat,  instead I have 3 hanging down from the center arm.

 Love the prisms, they are gorgeous, just not sure about this.

 So I have a little bling – – – – – – – – -hum

I changed out the vignette to something a little more “refined” too.  As you can see I made another faux tree topiary.  You can see my tutorial here.

I think I still have to think about this one for a while.

I guess I could drill some holes, but since I am not sure what I am dealing with, not so sure about that.

So give me your opinion.  Keep, get rid of, change up or what?

Don’t forget, you can still link up to Inspire Me, party is still ongoing.

 I am joining the following parties:

 Savvy Southern Style for WOW , Green Willow Pond for What We Accomplished Ivy and Elephants for What’s It Wednesday, DIY by Design for Swing Into Spring We Are That Family for Works For Me Wed.,Style Sisters for Centerpiece Wed. 

City Farmhouse for Inspiration Exchange Wed.

Beyone The Picket Fence for Under $100 Linky

The Dedicated House for Before and After Wed.

Home Stories A to Z for Tutorials and Tips 

Maison de Pax for Inspiration Exchange Party,The Blissful Bee for Work it Wed.

 Craftberry Bush for Inspiration Gallery Thursday  The Shabby Creek Cottage for Transformation Thursday

 No Minimalist Here for Open House Party, Posed Perfection for All Things Thursday Hop

 Katherines Corner for Favorite Things, The Vintage Farmhouse for Creative Things 

 A Delightsome Life for Home and Garden, Imparting Grace for Grace at Home Between Naps On The Porch for Tablescape Thursday From My Front Porch To Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday

                                       Glamorous and Affordable Life for All Things Thursday,

                                               The 36th Avenue for 36th Avenue Party

                                                 Remodelaholic for Organize Your Home

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