Home » Something New In The Kitchen

Something New In The Kitchen

Wow, are you like me, whenever you get one thing new, then that creates a domino effect and things get changed all over.  I found this cute little pitcher and it is the perfect thing for my whisks and wooden spoons that I use the most.  Well that meant I needed more room for all my “stuff” so I got out my marble tray to hold everything.

 Perfect, plenty of room for my oils, sale and pepper grinders and the whisks.  I do use these things daily so I love having it all handy.  I had been using my Butter Slab, but it was just not big enough to hold everything, so I need to find it a new home.

 While I was looking around for a place for the butter slab, I took a look at the “forgotten” wall in the kitchen.  You know the one we all have.  It is really a work horse with the pantry, fridge and the coffee station, but not the one that I think about updating my vignettes.

 Ok, this space should be pretty too, so I rearranged a few things.

 Some roosters, a coffee grinder and a biscuit tin holding a few antique grocery tins.

 My oolong tea tin is a favorite, I love this piece, so it stayed.

 On top of the fridge I put the butter slab with my little farm couple and my rooster planter.

 I really like the farm animal plates in the plate hanger, so they stayed.

 One of my favorite treasures is the old malt machine.  This came out of the soda fountain that my folks owned when I was around 9 or 10 years old.  My kids grew up with it making tons of treats, then my grandkids and now my great-grandkids think this is the neatest thing ever.

Ok, now this wall looks pretty too.  It’s not “forgotten” anymore.

Plus, I really am using the new little pitcher holding the whisks.

So does something new create a domino effect in your house too?

 Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks Linky, Funky Junk Interiors for Party Junk

It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat., 


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