Home » 212th Inspire Me Tuesday

212th Inspire Me Tuesday

I am so glad you joined us today for the 212th Inspire Me party.  We had so much to see last week that I totally drooled my way through all the links.  Here is just a little sample.

Infuse With Liz shared some of her Spring and Easter decor.  I adore this egg, such pretty ribbon and bling.

 Elizabeth Joan Designs decided to add a few garden items to her Easter baskets.  I think this is the cutest idea ever and I would love to get a basket filled with these gardening goodies.  Go over and see how she created everything, so fun.

Chic California went all out for Easter and her decor is fabulous.  I especially loved these fabulous German Glitter Eggs.  Stunning, I love how they glisten and sparkle.

To see more absolutely stunning eggs, you need to visit Redo It Yourself Inspirations.  This one took my breath away.  Talk about bling.

The mix of new and old sprinkled throughout her home at Vintage Finds is stunning. She recently redid her kitchen dining area.  Gorgeous.

Down Home Inspiration gives us a fabulous tutorial on how she made this Pottery Barn Knockoff Lamp.  This is such a perfect knockoff, I love, love, love it.

Now how can you not smile at this happy and cheerful tablescape by Marvins Daughters  Doesn’t this just say spring.


Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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