Show Off & Inspire-Northern Nesting

I am super thrilled to have Martina from Northern Nesting here today.  I have long admired her style and her home, plus she is one of the most gracious ladies in all of blogland too.  I think you are in for a special treat today, so sit back and enjoy this fabulous tour.

 Hi there friends…
I’m Martina from the blog Northern Nesting and I am so happy to be here today!! 

Thank you so much Marty for inviting me over to be part of your Show Off & Inspire series!


We moved into our home 11 years ago and have made many changes since then both inside and out!!
I hope you enjoy the tour!

 Welcome…come on in!

I love to decorate and love anything and everything Country French. 

In our powder room we added beadboard and replaced the pedestal sink with a new vanity a few years ago.

We literally just finished having all new hardwood floors put throughout our first floor…when it was time to get the rooms back together I made a few changes. 

It’s always fun changing things up right? 
I just shopped the house and moved pieces around  to different rooms until I achieved the look I wanted.

Here’s our living rooms new look…

 I played switch-a-roo with a few chairs from other rooms to give this room a more casual feel…loving the new look!

I also love to paint furniture. 

This chest I found at a yard sale a few years ago and redid it in Annie Sloan chalk paint the color Aubusson Blue…still one of my favorite makeovers!
I love mixing old pieces with new.

With help from my mom, we recently created this gallery wall over my sofa. All the pictures and paintings I already had on hand the only thing I went out and bought was the “F” initial.

Here’s a peek at a few more of my recent furniture transformations…

 Last year I replaced our old dining room chandelier with this beauty…it fit our style much better!

Looking in from the hallway…

Next up is our front sitting room…this room used to be ours kids playroom but now that their older I was able to change things up in here making it more fit for the hubby…which included moving his recliner from our family room into here. 
I was happy to make that switch 🙂

There’s our sweet Neena girl sleeping.

I just bought this kilim rug for in here from Overstock.

 I love this room because it isn’t large which makes it one of the coziest rooms in our house.

Let’s head on into the kitchen…
I just LOVE our new floors…it was so worth all the dust and mess we had to live with the last month and a half!

Along with getting the new floors installed we painted our entire first floor also…the new color is Cornice Tan by Ben. Moore but I had the formula cut in half for a lighter look.

The hubby and I transformed our builder grade island a few years ago by adding beadboard and decorative trim and then had it painted black.

I recently gave our bar stools a much needed facelift and painted and distressed them black to tie in with the island.

Our kitchen opens up to our family room which I love…because this area is definitely our families gathering space.
 I don’t have any updated photos of this room right now as it’s in the process of a few changes. 


Here are a few peeks of how the room looked before.

Our mantel has a new look too…it went from white to this…

I painted it Chateau Grey AS chalk paint…distressed and clear waxed it.

I found this photo from this past Christmas which gives you a better view of the family room
 looking in from the kitchen area.

I wanted our home to reflect our style and to be warm and inviting to all who enter.


Marty thank you again for letting me be part of this great series!!

I’d love for you to visit Northern Nesting and follow along…
I love making new friends!

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Isn’t her home lovely and oh how I admire those new wood floors.  I am saving like mad for some of my own.  Now if you don’t already follow Martina and Northern Nesting you definitely need to rush over and click the follow button.  You will love every one of her projects and posts.
Thanks tons Martina for letting me feature you and your gorgeous home, I loved having the chance to brag a little about you.

If you would like to be featured, just leave a comment or email me, I would love to feature you too.

I am linking to the following parties:

 Imparting Grace for Grace at Home, My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Fri

                                            French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday

 The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Fri, Common Ground for Be Inspired Fri

The Charm of Home for Home Sweet Home ,

 Chic On A Shoestring Decorating for Flaunt It Fri

 Finding Fabulous for Frugalicious Fri ,Rooted In Thyme Simple & Sweet Fri.

 Jennifer Rizzo for Fabulously Creative Linky Party

 Redoux Interiors Friday Party, Remodelaholic Fri. Linky Party

 Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks Linky, Funky Junk Interiors for Party Junk

It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat., 

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