Home » Best Lemonade You’ll Ever Have

Best Lemonade You’ll Ever Have

If you want some of the best lemonade in the whole world, you need to start with a really old recipe from England that begins by making a syrup.

Homemade Fresh Lemonade

3 cups sugar

3 cups water

3 cups lemon juice (approx. 12 lemons)

12 cups cold water

In a stock pot dissolve sugar in 3 cups water over medium heat until sugar is dissolved and a syrup forms.  Let cool for an hour.  Add fresh lemon juice.  Slice lemon halves into rings and add to marinade.  Place in the refrigerator overnight for the lemonade to marinate.  Dilute lemon concentrate with water 4 to 1.  Serve over crushed ice and enjoy.

This is an old English recipe and one that truly is delicious.  This makes almost enough for the whole summer.

Give it a try, you will have the best Lemonade ever.

I am joining the following parties:

Rattlebridge Farm for Foodie Friday

Be Different Act Normal for Show & Tell Sat.

Natasha In Oz for Say G’Day Sat., Tater Tots & Jello for Weekend Wrapup

 Pieced Pastimes for Saturday Sparks Linky, Funky Junk Interiors for Party Junk,

One More Time Events Linky Party

It’s Overflowing for Overflowing with Creativity Sat., 

 Silver Pennies for Silver Pennies Sunday,Twigg Studios for Sunday Showoff Party

The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday,Stephanie Lynn for Sunday Showcase

Three Mango Seeds It’s Party Time,  DIY Showoff for DIY Showoff Party

Thoughts From Alice for Sunday At Home

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