Show Off & Inspire – Designing On The Side

You are going to love this home tour from Designing On The Side.  Allie has done an amazing job with her colors and use of pattern.  I love that she isn’t afraid of dark colors for the walls either.  Since I know you will be drooling, grab a tissue and something to drink and enjoy.  This home is amazing.

“Hi there! I am Allie from Designing On The Side. I am so happy to be
posting here on A Stroll Thru Life. Whether it’s a big event, a small dinner
party, decorating our house or a friends….nothing is better than finding time for design!

A year ago we embarked on a total renovation and addition of hour home. We moved out while they completely gutted the existing house and
added 1500 square feet including 3 stories on the back. When we moved back in the decorating fun began!

The first room you see when you enter our house is the living room. I really love the way it turned out! The grey board and batten and the curtains were inspired by another blogger. I built upon that adding yellows, chrome and glass elements and the fun zebra print rug to keep it light. 

The piano in the left of the picture below was an incredibly generous gift from my parents who
wanted to be sure that the piano was played by their grandchildren. So nice
right? You can also see that we created a front entry by adding a half-wall and a column when we renovated. We like this much better than walking right into the living room with no separation of space. 

We also added a half bath to the main floor. I chose a bright Thibaut wallpaper for the space since it does not have any natural light. 

Next to the living room is the dining room (shocking huh?).  This
room is somewhat temporary in the sense that this is not our forever furniture.
But we have spent so much on the renovation and the other essentials we needed when we moved back in, I decided to reuse our old dining room furniture but spruce
up the room a bit.  To do that,  I repainted the chairs from red to
black and added two patterned chairs at the end. I am a big fan of bargains and
got these on Overstock.

Now onto my favorite room in the house….the kitchen! I swear the entire renovation was as a result of my frustration with the tiny kitchen we used to have. So we put a lot of time and energy into designing our “dream kitchen”.  Here’s the result!

The absolute best part about it is the Wolf range which is worth every penny if you love to cook like I do. The fact that it had red knobs had nothing to do with my decision to buy this particular brand…but they were a bonus!

The island is one of the best parts of the room. My family congregates there every day for homework and meals and it is a great place for our guests to gather around as well when we have parties. 

The kitchen is connected to the family room to make one big open concept space and we spend most of our time in these two rooms. Here’s a picture of the mantle and my favorite new chair from Crate and Barrel!

Here’s a another shot of the room from the kitchen which also gives you a good image of the coffered ceilings that our builder installed. You can also see the Restoration Hardware reclaimed wood armoire we scored at the outlet for 70% off! Gotta love a bargain. 

I wanted to give the stairwell a little love and so I painted these grey and white stripes going up the stairs. 

Here’s a shot of the master bathroom. It is light and airy and so high (we live on a hill) that it really feels like we are in an oasis even though we are not far from a big city. Everyone always asks me about the chandelier. I also got this on Overstock (noticing a theme here?) and it was a steal and is great quality. Highly recommend it! 

Here is the shower and some details of the tile. 

Our kids rooms were fun to decorate and I used bold colors and prints that keep them young and fun without being babyish. Here’s our daughter’s room. 

And this is our son’s. 

Last but not least on this tour of our house is our new guest room. This was a high priority of both sets of our parents who were tired of sleeping on an air mattress every time they came to visit.  The giant reprint of Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party was a gift from an event I planned once for The Phillips Collection Museum in Washington, DC where the original lives. It is huge but I think gives a little boost to this basement room. 

So that’s our home…so far! There are still a lot of rooms we haven’t tackled yet like our master bedroom and the rest of the basement. But it’s a good start and you can keep up with my progress at

Thanks for having me!!!”

See what I mean.  Isn’t this home absolutely fabulous.  I love, love, love her style.  Now if you don’t already follow Designing On The Side you need to rush over and hit the follow button.  You don’t want to miss a single post.  Thanks so much Allie for letting me Show You Off and Brag a little about you.  This has been a thrill.

If you would like to be featured, just leave a comment or email me, I would love to feature you too.

I am linking to the following parties:

 Imparting Grace , My Romantic Home , French Country Cottage ,

 The Thrifty Groove , Common Ground ,The Charm of Home ,

 Chic On A Shoestring Decorating , Finding Fabulous ,Rooted In Thyme ,

 Jennifer Rizzo , Redoux Interiors , Remodelaholic,

 Pieced Pastimes , Funky Junk Interiors ,It’s Overflowing , Be Different act Normal

Don’t forget to sign up below for my French Cow Grain Sack Giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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