Home » 215th Inspire Me Tuesday

215th Inspire Me Tuesday

Welcome to the 215th Inspire Me Tuesday.  All this good weather has got everyone in the mood to create and DIY a ton of projects.  I am loving seeing them all.

I have been wrestling with redoing a small gallery wall recently, so seeing this one that

 Making it in the Mountains created really stole my heart. Great tips and advice.  I love the mix of wood, white, gold, portraits and landscapes.  Well done in  a really awkward space.

Home Is Where The Boat Is has the most amazing garden shed in the world.  She decided to set up a little tablescape using some of her garden things.  I love the glove to hold the silverware.  You need to go see the whole thing, totally amazing.

I am always trying to figure out a new wreath for my front door and never thought about using a garden hat.  I think this one from Glamorous, Affordable Life is gorgeous.  Love that polka dot bow too.

Got an old headboard you don’t know what to do with, D.D.’s Cottage and Design recreated hers into a coat rack.  I love this idea.

Now who doesn’t love a gorgeous french mirror.  You won’t believe what Toris Petites Filles started with to create this fabulous mirror.  I am totally in awe.

Houspitality Designs shared her front porch all decorated for Spring.  I love, love, love those wreaths on her doors.  This is such a gorgeous home.

I love this kitchen, so pretty, but the star of the show is definitely the makeover of the island.  Stunning.  Be sure to go over to Uniquely Yours or Mine to see it all.

Chie from Chubby N Chieque is a dear friend that lives in Stockholm, Sweden.  She recentely set up her deck so she could enjoy some fabulous weather.  I could hang out here all summer.

With summer approaching, I think we are all looking for recipes that are light and easy.  I love this one from Pickled Okra by Charlie  (don’t you love that name)

Be sure to sign up below for my French Cow Grain Sack Giveaway.

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Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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