Home » Reworking the Gallery Wall

Reworking the Gallery Wall

My house is full of windows which I love, however that really doesn’t leave me much wall space.  It is an open floor plan, so no interior walls to speak of and then with all the windows, not much in the way of exterior walls either.  I love a gallery wall and try to make the most of any wall space I have.  So the family room one wall got a few tweaks.

I redid a couple of things on this side of my collage.  

This is what it looked like before.  Ok, but I really didn’t like the plant, but for a long time I couldn’t figure out anything else.

Again, just ok, but not what I really wanted.

I think this is much better and has much cleaner lines and is more interesting.

  I like it better and it seems like it gives the wall a cleaner fresher look.

So what do you think?

Be sure to sign up below for my French Cow Grain Sack Giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 I am joining the following parties:

 Savvy Southern Style  , Green Willow Pond , Ivy and Elephants , DIY by Design , We Are That Family ,Style Sisters ,City Farmhouse ,Beyone The Picket Fence ,

Posed Perfection ,Home Stories A to Z ,Maison de Pax ,The Blissful Bee ,

Love of Family & Home ,The Dedicated House , Craftberry Bush ,

The Shabby Creek Cottage  No Minimalist Here , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse  A Delightsome Life , Imparting Grace ,

 Between Naps On The Porch , From My Front Porch To Yours ,

Glamorous and Affordable Life , The 36th Avenue

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