Pulling It All Together – Steward Of Design

I absolutely love it when I find a new to me blog.  That is the fun part of blogging, meeting new people and being introduced to some fabulous Design, DIY and Thrifty projects.  We have all of that today with Stacy from Steward of Design.  I love how she has truly made a welcoming and inviting home for her family.  I am delighted that she agreed to be part of our Pulling It All Together series and show us how she put her master bedroom together.  So enjoy, I think you will love it as much as I do.

Steward of Design

 Hi All! I am beyond flattered that Marty asked me to be apart of her series, Pulling It All Together.

I thought I’d share my most recent room makeover in my home, my master bedroom and bath.
The reason I chose this room is because I once dreaded being in this room and now it’s my most favorite room in the house!

I’m not sure you fall into this category but I have heard so many times over that the last room to be made over/decorated is one’s master bedroom. We certainly fell into this category in our own home, which I think is understandable because as a mom you want your kids to have a room they love, and then you want to focus on rooms that company sees. No one sees your master bedroom so it’s easy to see why it can get sidelined and forgotten.  I finally had enough and decided to take back my master bedroom and make it into a retreat, somewhere I liked to actually hang out in and not be a dumping ground and just a place to sleep.

I want to share with you tips (maybe you know these already) so that you can create your own oasis, if you are like me and have ignored your own bedroom and how to Pull it All Together.

1. What do you LOVE? Don’t pick colors, patterns, furniture, etc. based on what’s “trending” right now. If you do, you will hate it in about 6 months and want to redo your room again. Seriously, pick only things that you absolutely LOVE, things that literally make you swoon, and make your heart flutter. Get on Pinterest and pin all the photos that make you go, “WOW” and then go back and look at all the photos you love and see the commonalities. If you see something in a store and you think, “well, maybe”…PUT.IT.DOWN! That means you don’t really love it and it will just be a waste of money in the long run. Believe me, I have been there many times, you can ask my husband. Okay, maybe don’t ask. lol. If you see something in a store, in a catalog, on a blog, on Pinterest or wherever and you really feel you love it, give it a moment and if you come back to it again and again in your mind, then I think it deserves to come home with you. If it’s in your budget anyway, and I hate when I fall in love with things that are WAY out of my budget.

For me, I LOVE white walls, the color blue, white slipcovers, stripes, coastal vibes, and lots of texture.

2. Speaking of texture. Bring some architectural elements into your room if you don’t already. Be it either crown molding, wainscoting or ceiling treatment. It makes the room more interesting than just a box. It gives it more “character” and gives the eye more to look at.

For mine, we had crown molding already but this is a very large room and I felt in needed something more. So, we went with board and batten from floor to ceiling on all the walls… something else that I simply LOVE. I think it made a huge difference to the look with this room.  Coordinate your bathroom too, it will make it all flow together and feel more inviting.  Add a few luxury touches by the tub so it feels like a spa.

3. Speaking of texture again.. bring texture in your room by way of fabrics, furniture or window coverings. I did all of these and again, I couldn’t be happier. With the wood woven shades, the rattan side tables, the rattan mirror, the linen lamp shades, the chunky wood lamps and the crisp white cotton slipcovers on the headboard and one of the side chairs and ottoman.

Bottom line and I can’t say it enough, is to pick things that you love and have loved for quite awhile. Things that have caught your eye, and you keep going back to it. Things that maybe remind you of happy places you visited or lived. Pick things that make YOU happy, and of course your spouse if you have one, we don’t want to forget his/her input too! When you do all this, you will easily be able to pull together a room that you will love for a long time!

Thanks again, Marty for having me on your blog today! This is such a fun series that you have and I am honored to now be apart of it. It was so fun to talk about my favorite room and I hope your readers liked it too.

                                          Thanks tons Stacy for letting me brag a little about you today.
Isn’t this a beautiful bedroom, I love how cheerful and inviting it is.  Stacy has managed to create a lot of texture and interest with the blinds, bamboo and board and batten wall treatment.  Such an inviting space that makes me feel like I am at the coast.  I can almost hear the waves.  This is a room I would spend a lot of time in.  If you don’t already know and follow Stacy, then you definitley want to hop over to her blog and click that follow button.  You will absolutely love following along to see what she is up to next.

                                                                      Steward of Design

 I am joining the following parties:

 Craftberry Bush ,  No Minimalist Here , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse , A Delightsome Life ,

Love of Family & Home ,Between Naps On The Porch ,

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove ,

                  The Charm of Home , Chic On A Shoestring Decorating , Finding Fabulous ,
                                        Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo , Redoux Interiors

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