223rd Inspire Me Tuesday

Oh my goodness, we had so much eye candy this last week, I had a really, really hard time trying to pick just a few to feature.  I wanted to showcase everyone.  I am having so much fun seeing everything you guys are up to and you never disappoint.    Here’s just a small sample. – – –

Does this just say beach house or what.  The Happy Housie shares her summer tour.  Wow, so much eye candy and fabulous inspiration.

This is the wonderful dream kitchen that Just Grand kept envisioning.  Now it is a reality.  Wow, what a transformation of this entire space.  This would be my dream too.  

I love this use of old windows.  What a fabulous statement Remodelando la Casa made to celebrate the 4th. 

CD’s Country Living gives us a fabulous tutorial on how to paint your kitchen cabinets.  A must read if you have decided to paint yours.

There is so much eye candy and inspiration in this Room For Wyatt that House on Stanford made over.  I love, love, love everything.  You need to see all the details, so perfect for any guy.

Upstairs Downstairs created this wonderful table to showcase a new silver coastal trivet she found.  Doesn’t this look inviting and I would love some of that shrimp dip.

Isn’t this the prettiest cake and when it is blueberries and lemon, well, that definitely got my attention.  I could eat the whole thing.  Be sure to go over to Simply Suzanne’s At Home for the recipe.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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