Kate Spade Inspired Desk Accessories

The family room/kitchen great room is where all the action is, so having my office near by works best for me. Now I don’t really have an office or even a real desk.  I use the buffet in the breakfast room as my desk.  I can watch TV, chat with my hubby. watch what I have on the stove and look out the window all at the same time.  I thought it was time to dress this spot up just a little.  

I loved some of the accessories that Kate Spade designed, however not the price, so I thought I would see if I could copy some of them.  I adore polka dots and stripes and she had both.

Now this is not really tacky, but it isn’t really very inviting either.   

This is a piece I found at goodwill a couple years ago.  It is super functional.  I can store some note pads, my eye glasses, pens, and other assorted things in the top slots.  The door opens for super storage.  Now to find a few things to make this piece over and copy cat some of her polka dots and stripes.

On a previous trip to Target I found this really great notepad that is Kate Spade inspired, and I also splurged on the gold stapler and some gold paperclips.

 A trip to Michael’s and I found some great polka dot papers, a really cute polka dot pen and some fun pencils.  I had gold spray paint so I spray painted my scissors.  I use a makeup brush to clean off my keyboard, so I spray painted the silver part of it gold too.

Not only is she known for her polka dots and stripes, but she is famous for her signature shocking pink.  This little notebook from Michaels just had to come home with me too.

I sprayed the desk organizer black, then decopaged the large polka dot paper to the lid and the small dots on the bottom edge.  Then for fun I added my initials in gold.

I couldn’t find a stripe, so I took a notebook I had and spray painted it white, then cut gold tape into strips and covered the front.  Instant stripes.

 I spray painted a small notebook that was black with gold paint.  When I tried to apply some gold leaf paper, part of the paint came off and revealed the black underneath.  I like the effect, so I left it alone.

                                                        I think this is a lot more fun than before.

  Best part is it’s just paper and paint.  I can change it in a nano second if I get tired of it.

I didn’t have to splurge on the stapler or gold paperclips (I just liked them), the rest cost me less than $10.

So do you need to update you desk area too?

Don’t forget, you can still link up all your projects to Inspire Me Tuesday.  I love seeing what all you have been up to. 

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1 Comment

  1. Marilyn
    July 9, 2020 / 10:52 am

    Fun! You’ve got my wheels turning. Thanks for sharing.

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