Home » Inside All Those Cupboards – Let’s Organize

Inside All Those Cupboards – Let’s Organize

The other day I rented the carpet cleaner and cleaned the living room and family room carpets.   Since I couldn’t walk on the floors while they dried, and I was in a cleaning mood – I tackled some of my cabinets that are a disaster.

My laundry room is one of my favorite rooms.  I know that sounds strange to some people, but it holds all my favorite treasures, my craft cabinet and it’s where I spend a lot of time.

Those two cabinets above my washer and dryer are real workhorses.  The one on the left holds all my cleaning and laundry supplies.  The one on the right holds lightbulbs, cleaning rags and some craft spray paint and assorted “stuff”.

It’s amazing to me at how fast all those half used and “tried didn’t like” cleaning supplies clutter up a cabinet.   If it is clean it looks like this.  Love it.

 I forgot to take a picture before I pulled everything off of the top shelf, but needless to say, it was crammed full of half used and dried up cleaning supplies.

 This is what I pulled out of there.  Can you believe all this junk.  I don’t use even half of it and a lot is dried up and couldn’t be used.

 Now this is stuff I actually use and need.  See I told you, not even half of what was in there.

 Some new shelf paper for both shelves was in order.  Now it looks clean and fresh.

 Put back together.  Top shelf has cleaning items on left, then polishing, then window cleaner and finally extra dish soap cleaner and scrubber’s.  Bottom shelf is organized with all my laundry supplies.  Nice and neat.

After this I was on a roll, so I tackled under the kitchen sink. Sorry about the bad photo, but as you can see, with the garbage disposal and other plumbing, there really isn’t much room for anything under here.  The switch is for the garbage disposal, not sure why the builder didn’t put it on the side of the cabinet, but oh well.

 This is all the stuff that I absolutely need to use on a daily basis, so I need it organized.

 I had an extra clear shoe box container, so I put everything in there.  Lesser used items in the back row – –

 and most used items right up front.  This works perfectly.  I can get to everything without knocking something else over.

 Now these items I only need once in a while, every month or so.  Raid in case of ants, polish for the granite and the refill bottle of hand soap for my built-in sink dispenser and Lysol.

 Another plastic container holds them so they don’t fall over.

The dish washing stuff fits perfectly in front of the garbage disposal with just an inch or two to spare.  The other container goes behind the pipe in the back.  When I need it I can just pull the whole container out and use anything I need.

My trash can is a really snug fit in front of those pipes, but it does fit.   So now when you open the doors, look how nice and fresh and clean everything is, plus I can reach anything I need.

A couple years ago I put some organizers in the bathrooms, but it was time to wash and clean them out too.

We have three little drawers, but that cupboard space behind the doors really needed to work hard.

 Hubby uses the left side and cabinets, so I found some drawers at Big Lots that work great to hold his shaver, combs, brushes and other necessities.  The larger drawers hold his travel case, vitamins and misc.

 I use the right side sink and cabinet.  Now it takes a tone of spackle and putty for me, so I needed a lot of drawer storage for all my makeup and stuff.  The top three hold my tooth brushes, toothpaste and floss, next is my comb, brush and hand mirror, the third is my facial cleaning supplies.  The bottom three are all makeup.  Now I really need to throw out half of that, I just haven’t done it.  The tall bin holds all the hair stuff and some extra lotion.

 When I redid the hall bathroom, I eliminated the medicine cabinet, so storage was needed for a few things under the sink area there too..

 Walmart had these units that were exactly the right size to fit behind each door.  Plenty of drawer space for first aid supplies, extra shampoo, soaps, toothbrushes, toothpastes and all those items every bathroom needs to store.  I would have loved these in clear, but all they had was blue, so that’s what we have.  They still work beautifully, I couldn’t do without them.

Now that all of that is done, I really need to tackle my closet.  That is going to be a huge job, so I need to plan some extra time for that one.

Are you scrubbing and cleaning too?

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See you this afternoon for Inspire Me.  Party goes live at 3 PM CMT.  

I am joining the following parties:

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove ,

                          The Charm of Home , Chic On A Shoestring Decorating , Finding Fabulous ,
                           Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo , Redoux InteriorsPieced Pastimes,
Funky Junk Interiors ,It’s OverflowingBe Different act Normal
Silver Pennies Twigg Studios , The Tablescaper ,Stephanie Lynn ,
                  Three Mango Seeds , DIY Showoff , Thoughts From Alice , Boogieboard Cottage ,
                                      Creatively Living  ,Mod Vintage Life ,The Dedicated House ,
Between Naps On The Porch ,Dwellings-Heart of Your Home , 
                                                        Rain on a Tin Roof ,Lou Lou Girls

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