Did You Ever Buy Wine For The Label

When I was shopping the other day, I went down the wine aisle and found a label that just made me giggle, so of course I had to buy it.

Now you have all seen a million pictures of my desk accessory Kate Spade knock-offs that I have been doing.   Since her colors are pink and black, this just seemed like kismet.   I had to buy it.

See the top of the bottle label.  Black and shocking pink.

 Does this match my deck accessories or what?  Of course I had to get out a fancy glass with gold trim too.

 (Seems like when you start a project you find all kinds of things to go with it.  Did you notice my new paperclip note stand?)

 The chardonnay was way too cute, so I had to buy it too.  These are so fun and would really be perfect for a girls night in.  The wine wasn’t bad either.

Now I have to look for more when I am at the store.  Tooooooooo Cute!!!

 I am joining the following parties:

 Craftberry Bush ,  No Minimalist Here , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse , A Delightsome Life ,

Love of Family & Home ,Between Naps On The Porch ,

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove ,

                  The Charm of Home , Chic On A Shoestring Decorating , Finding Fabulous ,
                                        Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo , Redoux Interiors

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