I am so blessed to have some of the sweetest friends in all the world and we all met through blogging. Who would have ever thought that blogging would create such true friendships.
One very special friend is Laura of Decor to Adore. She has become such a very, very special friend and I love her dearly. Tuesday she asked to take me to lunch for my BD. So I arrived at her house to find her in total birthday mode. She opened the door wearing a happy birthday tiara and yelling Happy Birthday.
She had a sash that said Marty’s Party and two tiara’s for me to choose from.
Laura made this fabulous sash for me to wear and she had on a Happy Birthday tiara
When we got to the restaurant, I was surprised to see a couple of my friends. This was really a surprise, and so fun. I thought it was just going to be she and I. She really can keep a secret. Left to right is Barb Hinske our resident blogger and Author of two Best Selling Books, Laura my special friend and hostess from Decor To Adore and Ck from Thinkin’ of Home. How fun are these ladies, they wore Happy Birthday tiaras too.
Jamie from Mimi’s Corner arrived in just a few minutes, so even more surprises.
I have been trying to lose some weight, but I caved and had the most fabulous hamburger I’ve had in ages. My own little jar of pickles, a fabulous silver container of Fry’s and yummy dressings. I took off my tiara and dove in. It was delicious.
I was also spoiled with tons of presents and fabulous fellowship.
Barb had to get back to work (she’s an attorney), but the waiter took a pic of us BD girls right before we left. (CK, Laura, Jamie and me.)
Such a special day with some of the most wonderful people in all the world. I am truly a very Blessed lady. Oh and yes, the very special milestone birthday we celebrated was my 75th.
Ladies, you all have my love and my heart. Thanks so much for such a special day.