Home » A New Rug

A New Rug

Shopping for Rugs can be a real daunting experience.  Affordable but good quality doesn’t always go together.  I am in the market for 2 maybe 3 area rugs.  One for the living room, one for the family room and maybe one for the breakfast area.

The living room is one I am not sure about at all.  There are a few things that I really like,

I love cowhide rugs and think one would be fabulous, just not sure about color and pattern.

This was my inspiration board that I put together for the new room design.   So far I have everything and it is looking fabulous.  (Still have to have the hardwood floors done and the bench/ottoman didn’t work out at all.)  Thinking about the cowhide rug, it looks fabulous, but finding the right one is really hard.

I kind of like a really light background.

 However, the variations of the brown and white are so pretty in some of these.

 Even the darker browns are pretty.  Each one is so different, and it makes it really hard to choose.

Then there are some really fabulous sculpted rugs now.  I definitely think I want something light, but not sure what kind of pattern.

Isn’t this one stunning.  I love the leaves and vines.

This is one of my favorites so far.

This pattern is interesting, but way too dark.

This is kind of a take on zebra – sort of.

I like this simple contemporary style too.  This rug would go with anything.

There are some fabulous shags out there with tons of sheen.  Maybe a lighter color would work.

None of these have caused me to pull the trigger yet, but I did find one that I totally love and will be perfect for the family room.

 This is a luxurious heavy thick jute rug that is so super soft.  I think this will be perfect in my family room and I love the fringe too.

See the thick nubby weave and this one is not scratchy, just luscious.  I found this at Rugs USA.  This is the Maui Chunky Loop.

It really is soft and luxurious and so thick and cozy.  For Now it is in the breakfast area.

Works great with my beige and cream tile and will look fabulous if I move it to the familyroom with new hardwoods.

I am sure I will find just the right rug, just have to wait until the floors are done and the room is painted, then maybe I will have some new inspiration.

How about you, what kind of rugs do you like?

You can still link up to Inspire Me.  So much to see so check a few things out.

 I am joining the following parties:

 Savvy Southern Style  , Green Willow Pond , Ivy and Elephants , DIY by Design , We Are That Family ,Style Sisters ,City Farmhouse ,Beyoned The Picket Fence ,

Home Stories A to Z ,Maison de Pax ,The Blissful Bee ,

Love of Family & Home ,The Dedicated House , Craftberry Bush ,

The Shabby Creek Cottage , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse  A Delightsome Life , 

Imparting Grace , From My Front Porch To Yours ,

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