Home » Bronx’s First Birthday

Bronx’s First Birthday

Today was such a fun day, it was Bronx 1st Birthday.  (My great-grandson)    A big party for family and friends was the order of the day. 

Noah’s Ark was the theme.  My son built an ark out of pallets across the pool for everyone to play on and set the stage.

Everyone was asked to dress up like one of the animals entering the ark.  Mom and dad (my grandson and granddaughter in-love) were aimals and Bronx was Noah.  So cute.

There was a live petting zoo for all the kids to enjoy.  We had chickens, ducks, goats, sheep, a pig and a lama.

 Then it was time for cake.

Well, that definitley turned out to be tons of fun for Bronx.

Into the kitchen sink for a bath, just too much frosting from head to toe.

My son (the super proud grandpa) with his favorite person on earth – Bronx.

Happy Birthday angel, you have definitely brought tons of joy to our world and we thank the Lord for Blessing us every day.

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live this afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

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