Good-Bad & Ugly

Seems like every project has a lot of good bad and ugly.  Painting a room can really be ugly.

Pulling all the furniture into the center of the room and hubby taking down the wood blinds and all the hardware. 

Not only do I have a gazillion nail holes to fill, but how do the walls get so dusty?

 Ahhhhh – Gorgeous.  Beautiful new paint and a fabulous color.  This is Reliable White by Sherwin Williams.  It is a stunning warm white.   Cutting around all the windows and ceiling takes forever.  This room has such a small wall space, just tons of windows.

 After 5 hours of painting, I am so glad I had this fabulous roast in the crock pot.  I am beginning to set up like cement, so no way was I going to cook.

I think I’m in for a really long soak in the tub with a glass of wine, then off to bed.  Tomorrow we’ll start to put this back together.  We’re hosting Super Bowl Sunday, so I need this place to come together quickly.

What projects are you working on.

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