Home » 254th Inspire Me Tuesday

254th Inspire Me Tuesday

Welcome to the 254th Inspire Me Tuesday.  You guys are all still on a roll with all of your fabulous DIY projects.  I have so many projects pinned that I need to do, you all just keep inspiring me.  Here’s a small sample from last week.

I am totally in love with this fabulous closet makeover at Rosemary and Thyme.  How chic and stylish is this.  I am green with envy.  Be sure to check out all the details.  I love those leopard shoes too.

Would you believe there is a really modern stainless dishwasher behind this fabulous looking door.  Check out Junk Chic Cottage to see how she did this and it is removeable too.  Amazing.

Isn’t this coffee station fabulous.  Noting Grace took this small awkward space next to the fridge and recreated it into this gorgeous drink station.  You really have to see the before.

This bathroom took on a completely different look with a little TLC.  Check out this DIY makeover from Inspiration For Moms.  Love it.

Bless’er House totally changed the look of her bathroom with this window makeover.  She shares a complete tutorial on how to do the farmhouse style wood frame and how to shorten a bamboo blind too.  Gorgeous.

Don’t forget about my fabulous giveaway from Andrea Luthy @ Jetison 

 To receive your special gift, all you have to do is –  Click here to subscribe to her newsletter. You’ll get a free cookbookfour free eBooks, and updates on new articles once or twice a week.

Here’s just a sample of some of her fabulous guides.

Be sure and sign up to receive all of them and her most recent updates.  You will love all of her tips/tricks and “How To’s”.

Ok, let’s see what you have for this week.

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