Home » Make Him The Perfect Pie For Valentine’s

Make Him The Perfect Pie For Valentine’s

I love pie of any kind, so naturally I make one often.  I’ve had a few questions about how to make a meringue pie in the past,  so I thought I would give you a little “how to” that is super easy and will turn out perfect every single time you make one.

I am making a  coconut/banana since that is one of my hubby’s favorites, however you can vary this recipe to make any flavor cream pie you want.

Mix 1 cup sugar

1/2 cup flour

3 egg yolks and

3 cups milk in a sauce pan

Cook on med. high heat, stirring constantly until it comes to a full boil and is thick.

Hint- if you put the flour and sugar in first and then wisk the two together, when you add the milk and eggs you won’t have any dry clumps of flour floating on top.  You mixture will be smooth and creamy.

You want to cook and stir until you see big bubbles from a full boil.  The mixture should be thick.

Since I am making a coconut/banana pie, add 1/2 cup coconut now and mix well.

Slice two bananas and line the bottom of your pie crust.

 Pour the coconut filling over the bananas.

 Cover at once with a sheet of wax paper making sure to have the paper touch the entire top of the cream mixture. –  This prevents a “thickened film” from forming on the top.  You need a soft creamy texture for the meringue to stick to.

 Start beating your egg whites on high.

 When they form soft stiff peaks – – – add 1/3 cup sugar.

 Continue beating until the sugar is dissolved and the meringue is stiff and shiny.

 Spread a layer of meringue around the edge of the pie first, making sure to seal it aroung the edge of the crust.  Then pile the remainer in the center and spread out to create soft peaks.

 I put a small handful of coconut on top of the meringue to make it even prettier.

Ta-Da.  You have a gorgeous pie and one that will taste wonderful too.  Let cool slightly and then place in fridge to chill thoroughly.

Since this is a basic vanilla cream filling recipe, you can make the following changes for whatever flavor you want.

For chocolate add 3 tsp cocoa to the dry mix before cooking
For dark chocolate add 2 melted chocolate cooking squares
For Banana, line baked shell with sliced bananas, add a few to the top of the filling and either add the meringue, or serve it plain with whipped cream.
For Coconut, make as above, just omit the bananas.
All kinds of berries can be added also.  Just use what you have and enjoy.

If you need a basic pudding recipe, this one is fabulous.  I am sure you will love it and so easy to make.

                                     I am joining the following parties:

Rattlebridge FarmCraftberry Bush , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse , A Delightsome Life ,

Love of Family & Home ,  Between Naps On The Porch ,

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove , 

The Charm Of Home , Chic A Shoestring Decorating,

 FindingFabulous ,  Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo ,

 Redoux Interiors

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