Home » Family Room/Breakfast Area Makeover Part 2

Family Room/Breakfast Area Makeover Part 2

I have discovered that I have to take a day here and there as time permits to paint.  When I painted the family room, I had to really hurry and get the room put back together because we were hosting a Super Bowl party.  It was wonderful to have that part of the space done and all put back together, but that left one area still not painted.

Time just didn’t permit me to paint this area at the same time. 

I painted this part of the space – – You can see the reveal here.

– – – but the breakfast area wall didn’t get painted.

 See how this wall ties into the kitchen and also is an open doorway with no moldings that leads into the living/dining area.

 This is the dining side of that same wall.

 So last week I took another day and tackled this area.  

 When I took the shelf and all the plates and picture down, I couldn’t believe how many nail holes I had in this wall.  It looked like swiss cheese from so many different vignettes over the years.

 I love the new white color and here you can see just how different it is from the old color.

 How fresh and bright does this look.  I love it.

 I think it’s also time to update the chandy just a little.  I love the mustard color of the wood, however those shades really need to go.

 I ordered 6 of these pretty linen ones from Amazon.  I think these will update the chandy perfectly.  Not sure if I am going to leave them plain or add some kind of trim or something.  I’ll just have to live with them for a while.

I plan on using the shelf again on the wall and of course my wonderful Old Man Giving Thanks picture, but I think I will try to update the shelf and wall area just a little bit.  It was looking pretty country to me and that’s not my thing at the moment.

I have a pair of fabulous wood candle sconces that I want to use with the picture, but when I took them down out of the hall I put them somewhere so good I can’t find them.  The hunt has caused me to completely clean the garage, all our closets, under the beds and anywhere else I could have possibly put them.  So far I still can’t find them.  This has me totally frustrated.  Hopefull they will turn up, it is driving me crazy.  Do you stash things so good you never find them again too?

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

I am joining the following parties:

 Pieced Pastimes , Funky Junk Interiors ,It’s Overflowing,

 Be Different act Normal , Silver Pennies 

Twigg Studios , Stephanie Lynn ,Three Mango Seeds ,

  DIY Showoff , Thoughts From Alice , Boogieboard Cottage ,

 Creatively Living ,Just A Girl & Her Blog , Pink When,

 Mod Vintage Life ,The Dedicated House , Between Naps On The Porch ,

Dwellings-Heart of Your Home ,  Rain on a Tin Roof ,Lou Lou Girls , Remodelaholic

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