Where In The World Was All Of This Stuff

We pulled everything in the living/dining area into the middle of the room so I could prep to paint.   When I walked back into the room I almost had a heart attack.  Where in the world was all of this stuff.  

There’s some on this side of the room too.  All we have is a narrow path to the front door.

This is what the living room normally looks like – –

 and this is the dining area (minus the christmas wreaths)

When you pull it all up in one spot it looks like so much more.  I still think I need to weed out and edit.

I am going to be using the same color as I did for the family/breakfast area.  Reliable White by SW.  (See it in the doorway – love this white)

Ok, now to get this place painted, purged and back together.

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