Spring Made From A Colander Planter

Today I am so thrilled to have Barbara from 21 Rosemary Lane fill in for me while I am away.  This lady is not only gorgeous, she is so talented you won’t believe all she does.  Crafts, DIY’s, Decor Makeovers and Recipes are just a few of her talents.  All rolled into one of the sweetest ladies in all of blogland.  Be sure to go visit her, you will love her blog.

Hello all of you Stroll Thru Life readers, my name is Barbara and I am from a little part of the blogosphere known as

Today I am going to share with you a cute project which is in the April2015 issue of Country Living magazine. As soon as I saw this I knew it was going to be my next crafty thing to do. To be honest we have been having so much snow here in the northeast lately, that anything even slightly reminiscent of spring is something I am going to be completely drawn to.

Aren’t they darling?

And I just happen to have an old colander down in the basement that I haven’t used in years! This project is pretty simple…all you need are the following items.

Start with some twine, I used slightly under 2 yards for each handle, and anchor it to one of the the handles of your colander with a slip knot. 

Then holding the knot tight, begin to wrap the handle with twine. As you move along, tighten up the wrapping so there aren’t any gaps.

Wrap until the handle is completely covered and then make another slip knot and secure the twine with some craft glue. Now go back and secure the slip knot where you started the wrap with a little dab of glue as well.

Next you are going want to line your colander with some sheet moss so the dirt doesn’t slip through its holes. I picked up the sheet moss used here for just a few bucks in the craft section of our local Walmart.

Add your potting soil and then your plants. I wanted to use pansies but couldn’t find any, so I went with this pretty yellow plant they had at the supermarket mixed in with the African violets. I also used some simple indoor plant greens and tucked in a little Spanish Moss around the edges to give it a more finished look.

Cut 4 equal lengths of twine, about 24 inches each, and tie 2 lengths to the two sides of each of the colanders handles…

…and then secure them to an “S” hook.

Trim the excess twine to make it look neat.

And that is it!

This project took me all of about 15 minutes to put together and I think the colander is adorable as the planter. 

Perfect for the kitchen and when the weather warms up you can hang it on your porch.

Thank you so much Marty for the opportunity to share with your readers today. And I want to invite your readers to come by sometime and visit me over at 

21 Rosemary Lane.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!


Isn’t this the greatest idea.  I love the idea of using the colander and she uses such a stunning blue and white one too.  Thanks so much Barbara and thanks for the fabulous tutorial.  If you don’t already follow

21 Rosemary Lane,

 you are really missing so much, so rush over and click that follow button.

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

I am joining the following parties:

 Pieced Pastimes , Funky Junk Interiors ,It’s Overflowing,

 Be Different act Normal , Silver Pennies 

Twigg Studios , Stephanie Lynn ,Three Mango Seeds ,

                                DIY Showoff , Thoughts From Alice , Boogieboard Cottage ,

                                   Creatively Living ,Just A Girl & Her Blog , Pink When,

                      Mod Vintage Life ,The Dedicated House , Between Naps On The Porch ,

                              Dwellings-Heart of Your Home ,  Rain on a Tin Roof ,

                                      Lou Lou Girls , Remodelaholic, Karen’s Up On The Hill

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