Home » Laundry Room Reveal Re-visited

Laundry Room Reveal Re-visited

 When I showed you my wine/bar cabinet makeover, I said it had been in my laundry room.  So many of you asked how in the world was this piece in the laundry room.  So I thought maybe I should do a re-post to give you a peak where it use to be.   Can you see the wine cabinet on the right?

My laundry room is really a hall that leads from the garage to the house, plus it has to pull double duty as a place for my craft things, the second refrigerator, and currently unused decor storage.  Wow, that’s a big order for such a small space.

Standing in the hall, (it’s hard to get a picture), you can see the fridge, and washer/dryer on the left with a wine cabinet and white craft cabinet on the right.  Definitely not room for anyting else.

This is a really old fridge and my washer/dryer are old too, but they all funcion beautifully, so I am not getting rid of them yet.  The fridge has a collage of pictures of my grands that always gives me a smile when I see them.

I need storage, so above the fridge is a great place for my little wooden childs wagon.  It holds my dad’s old toolbox full of sunflowers.  There’s also a few other accessories not currently in use.

The cabinets above the washer/dryer store some of my pitchers and roosters not in use.  

I love my W A S H knobs on the doors.  So fun.

On the right side as you enter, you see a small wine cabinet, it holds a few bottles we have for company dinners and even more accessories that I need to store when not in use in the rest of the house.  Next to that is a cabinet that holds my sewing machine and craft supples.

I have a ton of things on the walls that mean something to me, just no where else to hang them.  These are all things that I have fond memories of finding with a dear friend or things my mom and I made, such as the quilt blocks.

My collection of old irons is on the craft cabinet.

More memories on the wall.  I think I just about covered every square inch.

The wine cabinet not only holds wine, but it’s a great place to roll up placemats that you aren’t using and slide them into the wine slots.

That’s a lot for one small space to carry off, but it works beautifully.
 I like being in this little room, it is fun to see memories all around



 I really enjoy my laundry/craft room, but I do think the wine cabinet looks so much better in the breakfast room.



So, does your laundry do double duty too?


         I am joining the following parties:

Rattlebridge FarmCraftberry Bush , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse , A Delightsome Life ,

Love of Family & Home ,  Between Naps On The Porch ,

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove , 

The Charm Of Home , Chic A Shoestring Decorating,

 FindingFabulous ,  Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo ,

 Redoux InteriorsNo Minimalist Here



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