Home » Giving Readymade Drapes A Custom Look

Giving Readymade Drapes A Custom Look

I bought a pair of Lenda drapes from Ikea, they are simple white linen look drapes.  I’ve seen these used in so many pictures just as they are and also customized.  There are so many creative people out there and they have taken these plain simple drapes and turned them into all kinds of masterpieces.  I think I want to do some kind of trim or something on mine, so I looked on Pinterest for some inspiration.  I couldn’t believe how much there was to see.  

I love the idea of adding a fabric band at the bottom or at the top.

Here’s another idea using fabric, in fact I saw quite a few.

A band of fabric going down the side of the panels looks amazing too.

I think this was done to coordinate with this toile fabric used elsewhere in the room.

Even simple ribbon stripes look amazing.

Again wide strips of fabric.  This can be really dramatic.

Stenciling a pattern is also really popular.  This is so pretty.

This stencil looks so elegant.

Then I also remembered these dot painted drapes that I saw on Hunted Interior

 I could definitely do that, it would tie in with the dot and dash walls that I painted for our Master Bedroom Closet Makeover.

See what I mean, there are a ton of fabulous ideas.  I think I want to do something, just not sure what yet.

How about you, do you like to customize your drapes?

I am joining the following parties:

 Pieced Pastimes , Funky Junk Interiors ,

It’s OverflowingSilver Pennies 

Twigg Studios , Stephanie Lynn ,Three Mango Seeds ,

           DIY Showoff , Thoughts From Alice , Boogieboard Cottage ,

            Creatively Living ,Just A Girl & Her Blog , Pink  

 Mod VintageLife ,The Dedicated House , Between Naps On The Porch ,

          Dwellings-Heart of Your Home ,  Rain on a Tin Roof ,

          Lou Lou Girls , Karen’s Up On The Hill

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