Home » A 10 Minute Job That Took All Day

A 10 Minute Job That Took All Day

If you follow very many blogs then I know that you have seen “busts” all over the place.  Stautes of animals or busts of men and women, even little children are one of the current trendy accessories.  Time to pull the one I have out of storage.

One thing that I disliked about mine is the color.  When I found it at Ross it was a weird sort of gray color.  So I spray painted it white and then rubbed some stain all over it.  It still turned out gray, just a little lighter.

I had some paint out that I was using to paint some baseboards, so I thought this was the time to give this piece a white-wash.

See, I was just going to give it a little touch up,

When I looked at it after it was drying a little bit I saw that it was streaking and also the paint was peeling up and leaving little chunks that I didn’t see before.  Not very pretty at all.  I tried wiping part of it off on the back and boy, what a mess, this stuff was peeling up in gooie chunks.  I decided to just let it dry and then deal with it.

I couldn’t believe that this took several hours to dry.  When it finally did, I used some fine steel wool to smooth down the streaks and all the lumps of paint that had peeled up.  Then finally outside to spray paint.

I couldn’t believe that this took all day in the hot sun to dry – – –

 however, I love it now.  All white and no lumps, streaks or bumpy surface, just a nice smooth white.

So have you had any fails or saves on your projects lately?

I am joining the following parties:

Addison Meadows LaneCraftberry Bush , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse , A Delightsome Life ,

Love of Family & Home ,  Between Naps On The Porch ,

 From My Front Porch To Yours , The 36th Avenue , Imparting Grace ,

 My Romantic Home ,   French Country Cottage ,The Thrifty Groove , 

The Charm Of Home , Chic A Shoestring Decorating,

 FindingFabulous ,  Rooted In Thyme , Jennifer Rizzo ,

 Redoux Interiors

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