Home » What Is The Secret To Taking Those Glamour Shots

What Is The Secret To Taking Those Glamour Shots

I think we all stop in our track when we see a picture that just speaks to us.  It could be one single thing or part of a room, but there is something about it that just says stunning – chic – amazing.   Now those in the know call them “Glamour Shots”.  It can be about fashion, but the same term is used for decor and that is what I have been trying to learn.  We have some awesome bloggers that could rival any professional with how they style and take their pictures.  Every shot they share with us is a work of art.

Simple Details shared this shot of her living room in the summer home tour.  I have studied this shot to see if I could figure out what makes it so eyecatching.  I came up with several things – – –

1. It’s a “tease” shot, she doesn’t show us the whole room.

2.  It is full of color – pattern and texture.

3. It has a mix of ornate and modern.

4. It has a little bling. 

This is a shot that Monica Wants It shared.  What makes this unique —

1. It’s a “tease” shot, she doesn’t show us the whole cart.

2.  It is full of color – pattern and texture.

3. It has a mix of ornate and modern.

4. It has a little bling. 

This picture came from Charming In Charlotte’s tour.  Do the same things apply here —-

1. It’s a “tease” shot, she doesn’t show us the whole room.

2.  It is full of color – pattern and texture.

3. It has a mix of ornate and modern.

4. It has a little bling. 

I think this picture of Tidbits & Twine’s dining room has been pinned about a million time.  Do the same features apply here – —

1. It’s a “tease” shot, she doesn’t show us the whole room.

2.  It is full of color – pattern and texture.

3. It has a mix of ornate and modern.

4. It has a little bling. 

Ok, now I need to learn how to stage some of my shots so I can take better pictures.   I’ve been trying, but I really have a long way to go.  Here are two attempts

What are the tips and tricks you’ve learned?

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

I am joining the following parties:

 Pieced Pastimes , Funky Junk Interiors ,

It’s OverflowingSilver Pennies 

Three Mango Seed DIY Showoff , Thoughts From Alice , 

            Creatively Living ,Just A Girl & Her Blog , Pink  

 Mod VintageLife ,The Dedicated House , Between Naps On The Porch ,

          Dwellings-Heart of Your Home ,  Rain on a Tin Roof ,

                             Lou Lou Girls , Karen’s Up On The Hill

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