Home » Master Bdrm Final Reveal & Custom Euro Sham Tutorial

Master Bdrm Final Reveal & Custom Euro Sham Tutorial

The last of the fiinshing touches have been put on the master bedroom makeover.  I have to say, I really do like it and it looks so fresh and inviting.  Black/White/Beige is one of my favorite color combos and allows me to add any accent color I like.  For summer, I used Raspberry Pink and I really like the sharp contrast it has to the neutral background.  A little unexpected and just plain fun.

As I showed you earlier I dressed up some Ikea Lenda drapes with some black and white stripes.  If you missed it, you can see that tutorial here.

My old comforter set had matching euro shams and I really like that look, so I wanted to make some to coordinate with my new drapes.    Since I added the two black ribbon stripes to the drapes, I thought the shams needed a similar treatment.

I thought you might like to see a step by step on how I made them.

 I like for mine to be snug, so since the Euro pillows measure 26 x 26, I cut out 4 pieces of my fabric 26 x 26. (Front and back for two pillows)

 Next you need to decide on the size of your trim if you are going to use any.  Since I added two bands of trim to the side of my drapes, I wanted to do the same on the shams.  I went down a size smaller on each ribbon.  I think this keeps the strips visually similar but doesn’t overpower the pillow size.

 Next decide how far from the edge you want your first stripe to be.  I chose about 4 inches since I knew we would have cording and a seam, so finished it would be about 3 1/4 inches.  You will need to sew your ribbon down on both sides close to the edge.  I am using grosgrain ribbon like I did on the drapes.

 When you come to a corner, simply fold your ribbon over in a miter  and continue around the corner to the next side.  When you get to the place where you started, you do not have to miter a fold, just cut off your ribbon and fold the edge under so it makes a perfect corner.

 All done with the first ribbon.

 Now you can decide how far in you want to space the second ribbon.  I spaced mine about 3/4 of an inches, but it is totally up to you and what you are using.

 Sew all around in the same manner as the first ribbon.

 I think cording gives a pillow a custom look, so naturally I wanted cording for these too.   First you have to make your cording by inserting cord into a strip of fabric and sew with the zipper foot close to the cord.

Next sew the cording on the face of your pillow cover.  Cut the edge of the cording selvage as you round the corner for a smooth turn.

 I use a zipper, so my final steps were to add the zipper and sew the front and back fabrics together and insert my pillow form.  There are tons of tutorials on how to add a zipper, you can see mine here.   I bought 3 yards of polished cotton to match my coverlet with a 30% off coupon – total cost $12.  Three spools of ribbon from Walmart – total cost $6.  Grand total – $18.

These small custom touches create a look of luxury for just pennies.

The most luxurious part of these are the fabulous Feather Euro Pillow inserts from PillowCubes.  When they contacted me to see if I could use some of their pillows for my makeover, of course I said yes.  They have the most unique company.  PillowCubes means they ship you a “cube” or box or pillows.  They have tons of sizes and shapes and their prices are extremely reasonable.  Now I know most of us buy more than one pillow insert, so buying them by the cube makes total sense.  This video explains their company beautifully. (Click on pic to view)

Isn’t that a genius concept.   When I opened my cube, I found two fabulous feather down euro pillows enclosed in plastic.

A really nice beautiful quality cotton with double stitched seams.  No wandering feathers sticking out anywhere.  The quality is very evident.

A small karate chop and these add the perfect finishing touch to my bed.

 Now they are offering all of my readers a 10% discount on your orders – just use the code – -aStrollThruLife10.  I am honestly really impressed with the quality of their pillows.  Check out their site, I think you will be impressed too.



I received product for this makeover, but all opinions are mine.


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