Home » When You Have The Wrong White Paint Color – Change It

When You Have The Wrong White Paint Color – Change It

As you all know, I have been repainting every room in my house (I know, really slowly), and I love most of it.  HOWEVER my living room sofa is an off-white and this particular white paint that I chose makes it look dirty.  Now I can camouflage it with lighting and accessories, but every time I look at it, it is just not good.  Time to get the paint out and repaint at least this one wall.  I originally painted it Sherwin Williams Reliable White – this is a really pretty soft white, nothing stark and nothing with pink or blue undertones.   As you can see in the photo below, my sofa has some yellow undertones, and the walls look gray.  The combination really isn’t very good.

 This color looks amazing with the off-white sofa in the family room.  In fact it totally amazes me at how different the white looks in the two rooms.  

The family room is mostly windows so it gets a ton of light – – – –

and the living room gets most of it’s light from the dining area window since the front is shaded by trees.  See how different the white looks in the two rooms?  Also do you see what I am talking about.  The sofa looks beige and dirty.  Not good.

If you look at the two rooms, the family room walls appear to have a yellow undertone.  I think that is from so much sun and the drapes.  In the living room the walls look like a soft gray.  The light totally changes the look of the paint color.

Ok, off to the paint store to find a color that will make this living room (and my sofa) look right.  It amazes me at how big a mess you create to paint just one wall.  My hubby brought in the shop light so I could see since it is a little cloudy outside.  Really bright isn’t it?

 I chose one of my favorite colors, it is Violi Antique Lace from Lowes.  It is a beige with a slight camel undertone.  As you can see where the sun is shining in, you can’t really tell one wall is darker than the other.

All done and the room put back together.  Like I said, it isn’t obvious that this wall is different, but now my sofa looks white again.

 Here’s a close up of the sofa next to the wall.  See, the sofa really is a creamy white.

 It still looks white with the lamps on too.  Ok, now I am a happy camper.  No more beige dirty sofa.

Do you struggle with whites  – off whites and creams?

Be sure to get all of your projects lined up for Inspire Me Tuesday.  Party goes live Monday afternoon at 3 PM CMT.  Can’t wait to see you there.

I am joining the following parties:

 Pieced Pastimes , Funky Junk Interiors ,

It’s OverflowingSilver Pennies 

Three Mango Seed DIY Showoff , Thoughts From Alice , 

            Creatively Living ,Just A Girl & Her Blog , Pink  

 Mod VintageLife ,The Dedicated House , Between Naps On The Porch ,

          Dwellings-Heart of Your Home ,  Rain on a Tin Roof ,

                             Lou Lou Girls , Karen’s Up On The Hill

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