Home » Hall Bathroom Makeover Ideas

Hall Bathroom Makeover Ideas

I still love the hall bathroom makeover I did 2 years ago, but it is time for a little refresh.  Changing things up is always a great idea.   I’m not thinking about knocking out walls, just a cosmetic refresh.  To put some ideas together, I did an inspiration board.

This is what it looks like now.  The makeover 2 years ago added a little glam to a builder basic bathroom, but again was totally cosmetic.   You can see the entire makeover here.

This time I want to give it a little bit more of a contemporary glam vibe.

 I keep seeing all the fabulous stenciled walls everywhere, so I thought maybe this would be a fun thing to do on at least one accent wall.   I love this pattern and think something like this would be gorgeous.

I also want to add a really pretty chair rail and beef up the baseboards too.

I am thinking something like this, white chair rail, white painted walls below and pretty stencil up above done in chocolate brown.  I think this should go on the upper portion of the entire bathroom.

I love the current faucet, but I would love to change it out for this one.  How fun would that be.

I will be keeping the same white counter top and sink, but I think it would look fabulous to stain the cabinet in a darker color.

I found this floral chocolate and white fabric for the shower curtain.  Won’t this look pretty next to the stenciled walls.

My current art has antiqued gold frames and pastoral scenes, so they will work beautifully with the new colors.

lucite towel bars would be fabulous – –

and, how fun are these gold and crystal knobs.  I think these are a must.

The design and color of this rug would ground the room beautifully.

So, what do you think – can you see it:

You can still link up to Inspire Me.  So much to see so check a few things out.

I am joining the following parties.

 Savvy Southern Style , Ivy and Elephants ,

 DIY by Design , We Are That Family ,Style Sisters ,

Beyoned The Picket Fence ,Home Stories A to Z , The Blissful Bee ,

Love of Family & Home ,The Dedicated House , Craftberry Bush ,

The Shabby Creek Cottage , Posed Perfection ,

 Katherines Corner , The Vintage Farmhouse  A Delightsome Life , 

Imparting Grace , From My Front Porch To Yours 

No Minimalist Here

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